Odisea & Moby Dick
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este trabajo de fin de grado se centra en explorar la idea de la tesis inicial de la cual se
parte afirmando que Homero, con la Odisea, sienta las bases de la narración de las aventuras
del héroe superviviente de Troya que regresa por mar a la patria Ítaca. En el mar tiene lugar su
azarosa lucha contra toda clase de peligros, monstruos y seres míticos que le pondrán a prueba
y le convertirán si no en un hombre mejor, sí al menos en un hombre distinto. Un claro
reflejo de esta lucha, en medio de un relato de aventuras y superación de peligros, lo
constituye Moby Dick de Herman Melville. Odiseo y Ahab, en efecto, comparten muchos
rasgos en común, que serán analizados en este trabajo, y que establecen un puente entre la
literatura antigua y la moderna, con un grado mayor o menor de continuidad entre ambas. El
objetivo también ha sido analizar todos los paralelismos e influencias de una obra en otra,
llegando a encontrar una gran cantidad de semejanzas y coincidencias.
The goal of this dissertation has been to explore the idea of the initial thesis in which it has been asserted that Homer in the Odyssey establishes the bases of narrative of adventures of the survivor hero of Troy, who returns to Ithaca by sea. At the sea the hero fights against dangers, monsters and mythical creatures that will test him and will make him a better man or in a different man at least. Moby Dick written by Herman Melville is a clear reflection of this fight with a story of adventures and the overcoming of threats in western literature. Ahab and Odysseus share a lot of features in common, which will be analysed in this dissertation, and they establish a bridge or connexion between the ancient literature and the modern literature with a bigger or smaller grade of continuity between both. The objective has been to analyse all the parallelisms and influences of one work in the other one too, finding copious similarities and coincidences. KEY WORDS
The goal of this dissertation has been to explore the idea of the initial thesis in which it has been asserted that Homer in the Odyssey establishes the bases of narrative of adventures of the survivor hero of Troy, who returns to Ithaca by sea. At the sea the hero fights against dangers, monsters and mythical creatures that will test him and will make him a better man or in a different man at least. Moby Dick written by Herman Melville is a clear reflection of this fight with a story of adventures and the overcoming of threats in western literature. Ahab and Odysseus share a lot of features in common, which will be analysed in this dissertation, and they establish a bridge or connexion between the ancient literature and the modern literature with a bigger or smaller grade of continuity between both. The objective has been to analyse all the parallelisms and influences of one work in the other one too, finding copious similarities and coincidences. KEY WORDS