Español con Fines Específicos en contexto universitario: una propuesta didáctica para el desarrollo de la producción escrita en estudiantes germanohablantes de nivel B2/C1
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El presente Trabajo de fin de Máster tiene como objetivo principal la elaboración de una propuesta didáctica para el desarrollo de la producción escrita en estudiantes germanohablantes de nivel B2/C1. El eje central es la aplicación del diseño curricular en la enseñanza del Español con Fines Específicos en contexto universitario. La propuesta se fundamenta en el análisis de las dificultades y retos que plantea la producción escrita, en los usos y aplicaciones de la escritura creativa en E/LE, en la influencia de la escritura en entornos electrónicos y en el aumento de herramientas y recursos disponibles en línea, para desarrollar la marca personal del estudiante en E/LE a través de la creación de su propio blog. De este modo, el aprendiente cuenta con un espacio de ensayo-error para practicar su composición textual con vistas a su futuro laboral inmediato y búsqueda de empleo.
[EN] The main purpose of this Master dissertation is to elaborate a teaching proposal aimed at developing the writing skills of German-speaking students of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL) at B2/C1 levels. The main objective is the application of curricular design in Spanish for Specific Purposes in a university context. The proposal is based on the analysis of the difficulties and challenges posed by written production, the uses, and applications of creative writing in SFL, the influence of writing in electronic environments and the increase of tools and resources available online, in order to develop students’ personal brand in SFL by creating their own blogs. In this way, the learner has a space of trial and error to practice their writing skills with a view to their immediate professional life and job search.
[EN] The main purpose of this Master dissertation is to elaborate a teaching proposal aimed at developing the writing skills of German-speaking students of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL) at B2/C1 levels. The main objective is the application of curricular design in Spanish for Specific Purposes in a university context. The proposal is based on the analysis of the difficulties and challenges posed by written production, the uses, and applications of creative writing in SFL, the influence of writing in electronic environments and the increase of tools and resources available online, in order to develop students’ personal brand in SFL by creating their own blogs. In this way, the learner has a space of trial and error to practice their writing skills with a view to their immediate professional life and job search.
Palabras clave
Investigación y aplicaciones profesionales