Led de potencia: Driver y aplicaciones en automoción
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El trabajo trata sobre los leds haciendo un estudio de los mismos y la aplicación de circuitos electrónicos de excitación y control (Driver) de los leds.
Este trabajo consta básicamente de dos bloques claramente diferenciados. La primera parte corresponde al estudio teórico y los conceptos asociados a los leds. Se comienza explicando los antecedentes y se hace una recopilación de información detallada sobre los leds, tipos, evolución, aplicaciones, etc. El segundo bloque está formado por tres partes: una en la que se habla de la distribución de las prácticas (créditos y horario), otra en la que se hace una explicación teórica de los montajes experimentales con carácter didáctico que se van a desarrollar (tipo guión para el alumno), sobre drivers de control y variación de la luminosidad. Y para finalizar, se concluye con la parte de montajes experimentales y medidas en la que se realizarán los cálculos teóricos y se pondrán en prueba los montajes estudiados para analizar los resultados.
The work deals with LEDs, making a study of them and the application of electronic circuits of excitation and control (Driver) of the LEDs. This work basically consists of two clearly differentiated blocks. The first part corresponds to the theoretical study and the concepts associated with LEDs. It begins by explaining the background and a collection of detailed information about leds, types, evolution, applications, etc. is made. The second block is made up of three parts: one in which the distribution of the practices (credits and timetable) is discussed, another in which a theoretical explanation of the didactic experimental setups to be developed (script type for the student), on control drivers and luminosity variation, is given. And finally, it concludes with the part of experimental setups and measurements in which the theoretical calculations will be made and the setups studied will be tested to analyze the results.
The work deals with LEDs, making a study of them and the application of electronic circuits of excitation and control (Driver) of the LEDs. This work basically consists of two clearly differentiated blocks. The first part corresponds to the theoretical study and the concepts associated with LEDs. It begins by explaining the background and a collection of detailed information about leds, types, evolution, applications, etc. is made. The second block is made up of three parts: one in which the distribution of the practices (credits and timetable) is discussed, another in which a theoretical explanation of the didactic experimental setups to be developed (script type for the student), on control drivers and luminosity variation, is given. And finally, it concludes with the part of experimental setups and measurements in which the theoretical calculations will be made and the setups studied will be tested to analyze the results.