Integración de la lengua inglesa en EF
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[ES] En mi trabajo de fin de grado voy hablar sobre lo importante que es en los tiempos que corren el inglés
en la escuela y el inglés aplicado a otras asignaturas que en este caso es la Educación Física que va de la
mano de disciplina como la expresión corporal que es fundamental para el progreso de los alumnos,
además de la psicomotricidad que es la base de todo ya que adquirimos todas las habilidades con la
psicomotricidad como base. Vamos a trabajar también el bilingüismo en el aula para integrar el idioma
en la práctica, por el otro lado vamos a analizar las diferentes metodologías, teorías y estrategias para
poder trabajarlo en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
Añadir en última instancia que voy a desarrollar una unidad didáctica que tiene que ver con el cuerpo
humano para los alumnos de 4ºprimaria impartida en inglés.
[EN] In my final grade work I will talk about how important it is in the times that English in school and English applied to other subjects that in this case is the Physical Education that goes hand in hand with discipline as the body expression that is fundamental to the progress of the pupils, in addition to psychomotricity which is the basis of everything as we acquire all the skills with psychomotricity as a basis. We will also work on bilingualism in the classroom to integrate language into practice, on the other hand we will analyze the different methodologies, theories and strategies to be able to work on the teaching-learning process. Ultimately add that I will develop a didactic unit that has to do with the human body for students of 4th grade students taught in English.
[EN] In my final grade work I will talk about how important it is in the times that English in school and English applied to other subjects that in this case is the Physical Education that goes hand in hand with discipline as the body expression that is fundamental to the progress of the pupils, in addition to psychomotricity which is the basis of everything as we acquire all the skills with psychomotricity as a basis. We will also work on bilingualism in the classroom to integrate language into practice, on the other hand we will analyze the different methodologies, theories and strategies to be able to work on the teaching-learning process. Ultimately add that I will develop a didactic unit that has to do with the human body for students of 4th grade students taught in English.
Palabras clave
Educación Física