La educación física: un motor para la adquisición de valores en educación primaria
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El presente trabajo pretende mostrar el potencial que tienen la Educación Física y los juegos cooperativos para la adquisición de valores en la escuela. A través de la aplicación de una propuesta didáctica centrada en el trabajo de los juegos cooperativos, la introducción e iniciación al balonmano (uno de los deportes que se ven en los bloques de contenidos curriculares de la asignatura), complementada con la visualización de varios videos y el análisis reflexivo de la necesidad de los valores hoy en día. Estableceremos una serie de objetivos generales y específicos a conseguir, así como una línea de actuación metodológica, para lograr desarrollar un pensamiento crítico y reflexivo en nuestros alumnos y alumnas, y que sirva como formación integral en base a una educación en valores.
The present work tries to show the potential that Physical Education and cooperative games have for the acquisition of values in school. Through the application of a didactic proposal focused on the work of cooperative games, the introduction and initiation of handball (one of the sports seen in the curricular content blocks of the subject), complemented by the display of various videos and reflective analysis of the need for values today. We will establish a series of general and specific objetives to be achieved, as well as a methodological course of action, in order to develop critical and reflective thinking in our students, and that serve as comprehensive training based on an education in values.
The present work tries to show the potential that Physical Education and cooperative games have for the acquisition of values in school. Through the application of a didactic proposal focused on the work of cooperative games, the introduction and initiation of handball (one of the sports seen in the curricular content blocks of the subject), complemented by the display of various videos and reflective analysis of the need for values today. We will establish a series of general and specific objetives to be achieved, as well as a methodological course of action, in order to develop critical and reflective thinking in our students, and that serve as comprehensive training based on an education in values.
Palabras clave
Educación física