Métodos de enseñanza en lenguas extranjeras: Jolly Phonics y Vaughan
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este trabajo de fin de grado se realiza con la intención de conocer los distintos
métodos de enseñanza que existen, (algunos de ellos), para el aprendizaje de una segunda
lengua como puede ser el inglés o francés, siendo la elegida la primera mencionada. También
trataré de analizar qué impacto pudieran tener los distintos métodos en el alumnado e
identificar en qué momento se complementan para adquirir las habilidades básicas del
Durante el desarrollo del trabajo utilizaremos nuevas tecnologías, las cuales se
encuentran muy presentes en nuestras aulas.
La principal idea que se intentará transmitir con los distintos métodos será el trabajo
cooperativo y de forma lúdica, en el cual los niños y niñas aprendan jugando, cantando y con
diversas actividades las cuales los involucren de una manera directa y divertida en esta nueva
e importante lengua.
This bachelor degree project is made with the intention to know about some different teaching methods, tolearn a second foreign language, as could be English or French. I have chosen English language because it is very important for children education. I also will try to analyze the impact of different methods in children education and to identify when those methods are starting to work together. During the development of this project I will use new technologies, which are very present in our classrooms. My main purpose is to teach children learning through games, songs and cooperative and fun activities, which will involve them in anactive and funny way to work this new and important language.
This bachelor degree project is made with the intention to know about some different teaching methods, tolearn a second foreign language, as could be English or French. I have chosen English language because it is very important for children education. I also will try to analyze the impact of different methods in children education and to identify when those methods are starting to work together. During the development of this project I will use new technologies, which are very present in our classrooms. My main purpose is to teach children learning through games, songs and cooperative and fun activities, which will involve them in anactive and funny way to work this new and important language.