Descubriendo a las mujeres de la Prehistoria. Unidad Didáctica coeducativa para el primer curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)El presente trabajo, pretende elaborar una Unidad Didáctica para primero de la ESO cuyo foco
principal sea el estudio de la Prehistoria desde una perspectiva de género, abarcando temas como
la importancia de las actividades de mantenimiento, las desigualdades, la invisibilización de las
mujeres en los libros de texto escolares o los enormes sesgos de género existentes en la enseñanza
de este periodo. Actualmente, el currículo de Geografía e Historia se enmarca dentro de un
enfoque positivista, con una narración desde una perspectiva única que no refleja la pluralidad y
diversidad de nuestra sociedad. Como resultado, se busca cambiar esta narrativa dominante,
mostrando al alumnado a las mujeres como entes activos en los cambios y dinámicas sociales de
los grupos prehistóricos. Concienciando sobre la importancia de la coeducación e introducción de
la perspectiva de género en todos los ámbitos académicos para obtener una enseñanza inclusiva,
equitativa y de calidad
(EN)The present work aims to develop a Didactic Unit for the first year of ESO whose main focus is the study of Prehistory from a gender perspective, covering topics such as the importance of maintenance activities, inequalities, the invisibility of women in the school textbooks or the enormous gender biases existing in the teaching of this period. Currently, the Geography and History curriculum is framed within a positivist approach, with a narrative from a unique perspective that does not reflect the plurality and diversity of our society. As a result, it seeks to change this dominant narrative, showing students women as active entities in the changes and social dynamics of prehistoric groups. Raising awareness of the importance of coeducation and introducing the gender perspective in all academic fields to obtain inclusive, equitable and quality teaching
(EN)The present work aims to develop a Didactic Unit for the first year of ESO whose main focus is the study of Prehistory from a gender perspective, covering topics such as the importance of maintenance activities, inequalities, the invisibility of women in the school textbooks or the enormous gender biases existing in the teaching of this period. Currently, the Geography and History curriculum is framed within a positivist approach, with a narrative from a unique perspective that does not reflect the plurality and diversity of our society. As a result, it seeks to change this dominant narrative, showing students women as active entities in the changes and social dynamics of prehistoric groups. Raising awareness of the importance of coeducation and introducing the gender perspective in all academic fields to obtain inclusive, equitable and quality teaching