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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La sociedad Española esta siempre en continua evolución y en concreto en evolución tecnológica esto se puede traducir en que somos victimas de la globalización y junto con la tecnología la sociedad pasa a llamarse sociedad en masa.
La vigilancia masiva un problema surgido por la evolución de la sociedad y la industrialización también es un delito y es un tema de mucha preocupación en la actualidad. Es una problemática en la que formamos parte para dar solución y es necesaria la responsabilidad entre los estados pero esta claro que es importante tener una legislación que nos ampare.
Internet ha revolucionado nuestras vidas y cada día se crean nuevas formas de almacenamiento de la información y nuevas maneras de comunicarnos de manera inmediata e instantánea no solo en nuestro alrededor sino a través de todo el mundo.
La vigilancia masiva es un delito que crece a pasos agigantados y un fenómeno universal al que hay que dar una solución, por ello voy a dedicar este trabajo tratar la problemática contra la vulneración del derecho a la intimidad por la vigilancia de los gobiernos.
[EN] The spanish society its always in a continue evoltuion and to be more concrete in tecnologicical evolution this could be translated in that we are victims of the globalitazion and with the technology in the other hand this society changes its name into mass society. The massive vigilance its a problem emerged because of the evolution of the society and the industralitazion its too a crime and its a theme of much worrying in the actuality. Its a problematic thing that we are part of it to make a solution and is a need the responsabilitie between the estates but its quite clear that is important to have a legislation that protect us. Internet has revolutioned our lifes and every single day we are creating new ways of storaging the information and new manners of communicate on inmediatly way or instantaneous not just around us if not all over the world. The massive vigilanceits a crime that is growing in huge steps and it is a universal phenomenon that we need to find a solution for, thats why im dedicating this work to treat the problematic against infringenment of the our privacy against the vigilancy of the goverments.
[EN] The spanish society its always in a continue evoltuion and to be more concrete in tecnologicical evolution this could be translated in that we are victims of the globalitazion and with the technology in the other hand this society changes its name into mass society. The massive vigilance its a problem emerged because of the evolution of the society and the industralitazion its too a crime and its a theme of much worrying in the actuality. Its a problematic thing that we are part of it to make a solution and is a need the responsabilitie between the estates but its quite clear that is important to have a legislation that protect us. Internet has revolutioned our lifes and every single day we are creating new ways of storaging the information and new manners of communicate on inmediatly way or instantaneous not just around us if not all over the world. The massive vigilanceits a crime that is growing in huge steps and it is a universal phenomenon that we need to find a solution for, thats why im dedicating this work to treat the problematic against infringenment of the our privacy against the vigilancy of the goverments.