El fomento de la lectura en Educación Primaria
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
"La realización del presente Trabajo Fin de Grado tiene como fin principal despertar el interés por la lectura en las aulas de Educación Primaria. Para ello, se requiere el apoyo de agentes específicos que eduquen la habilidad lectora en la etapa. Asimismo, y con ayuda de unas estrategias se puede lograr el fomento de la lectura y con ello, la comprensión lectora; tanto dentro como fuera del sistema educativo. No obstante, respetando la ley vigente (LOMCE), y aplicándola de forma correcta en las propuestas didácticas que se planteen; como es, en el caso de la propuesta didáctica planteada en el presente trabajo. Esta propuesta está enfocada para fomentar la lectura, la comprensión y creando con ello, lectores competentes en el tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria."
"The main purpose of the present Final Grade Paper is to arouse interest in reading in primary education classrooms. This requires the support of specific agents that foment reading skills at the stage. It is also possible, with the help of specific strategies to promote reading and reading comprehension, both within and outside the education system. However, we will be complying with the requirements and specifications of the current legislation (LOMCE), and applying it correctly in the didactic proposals that are proposed; as is, in the case of the didactic proposal proposed in the present work. The present work is aimed at promoting reading, enhancing reading comprehension skills and creating competent readers in the third cycle of primary education."
"The main purpose of the present Final Grade Paper is to arouse interest in reading in primary education classrooms. This requires the support of specific agents that foment reading skills at the stage. It is also possible, with the help of specific strategies to promote reading and reading comprehension, both within and outside the education system. However, we will be complying with the requirements and specifications of the current legislation (LOMCE), and applying it correctly in the didactic proposals that are proposed; as is, in the case of the didactic proposal proposed in the present work. The present work is aimed at promoting reading, enhancing reading comprehension skills and creating competent readers in the third cycle of primary education."
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