Electrónica en Sistemas de Iluminación en Automoción
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El presente trabajo fin de grado pretende realizar un informe técnico sobre los conceptos básicos de la
iluminación en automoción, haciendo énfasis en las últimas tecnologías como la tecnología led y sus tipos,
desarrollando sus topologías de circuitos electrónicos empleados en los drivers de control, y circuitos
integrados específicos de distintos fabricantes. En base a los conocimientos anteriores se realizarán
simulaciones y medidas experimentales, donde se abordarán los conceptos anteriores. El desarrollo de las
simulaciones se realizará mediante las herramientas de simulación gratuitas que ofrecen los fabricantes de
circuitos electrónicos de control de led. Seguidamente se analizan las distintas herramientas de simulación,
contrastando sus ventajas e inconvenientes. Además, se analizarán placas de fabricantes destinadas al
control led.
This final degree project is expected to conduct a technical report on the basic concepts of automotive lighting, emphasizing the latest technologies such as led technology and its types, developing its topologies of electronic circuits used in control drivers and specific integrated circuits from different manufacturers. Based on the previous knowledge, simulations and experimental measurements are carried out, where the previous concepts are tackled. The development of the simulations is made using the free simulation tools offered by the manufacturers of led control electronic circuits. Furthermore, the different simulation tools are analyzed, going over their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, manufacturers' boards for led control will be analyzed.
This final degree project is expected to conduct a technical report on the basic concepts of automotive lighting, emphasizing the latest technologies such as led technology and its types, developing its topologies of electronic circuits used in control drivers and specific integrated circuits from different manufacturers. Based on the previous knowledge, simulations and experimental measurements are carried out, where the previous concepts are tackled. The development of the simulations is made using the free simulation tools offered by the manufacturers of led control electronic circuits. Furthermore, the different simulation tools are analyzed, going over their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, manufacturers' boards for led control will be analyzed.
Palabras clave
sistemas electrónicos