Alejandro Magno y Oriente
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este trabajo, realizaremos una investigación sobre Alejandro Magno y Oriente a partir de la conquista del territorio oriental junto con su gran ejército de macedonios, aliados y mercenarios; Alejandro penetra en Asia hasta llegar a la India, pasando también por Egipto. Estamos ante una campaña militar de gran envergadura que se sucedió en tan solo 11 años (332 – 323 a.C.). Durante la conquista de estos territorios lejanos, se produce una enorme influencia bidireccional. Por un lado, Los macedonios adquieren la religiosidad de oriente, prueba de ello lo encontramos en la personalidad religiosa de Alejandro, organizando sacrificios y rituales en honor a los dioses por sus victorias. Por otro lado, los ciudadanos de oriente se ven involucrados en el famoso proceso llamado “La Helenización de Oriente”, a través de los matrimonios mixtos.
In this Project, it will be performed an investigation about Alexander the Great and the oriental world, whit his huge army composed by macedonians, allied and mercenaries; Alexander enterred in Asia until they arrived India, passing through Egypt. We are in the face of an military campaign which had a large magnitude, this campaign go on for eleven years (332-323 B.C.). During the conquest of this distant terrytories, it happened an enormous bidirectional influence. On the one hand, macedonians got the oriental religiousness, a sample of that can be found in Alejandro´s religious personality, arranging sacrificies and rituals in honor of God´s victories. On the other hand, oriental citizens got involved in the famous process called “oriental hellenization”, by means of the mixed marriages.
In this Project, it will be performed an investigation about Alexander the Great and the oriental world, whit his huge army composed by macedonians, allied and mercenaries; Alexander enterred in Asia until they arrived India, passing through Egypt. We are in the face of an military campaign which had a large magnitude, this campaign go on for eleven years (332-323 B.C.). During the conquest of this distant terrytories, it happened an enormous bidirectional influence. On the one hand, macedonians got the oriental religiousness, a sample of that can be found in Alejandro´s religious personality, arranging sacrificies and rituals in honor of God´s victories. On the other hand, oriental citizens got involved in the famous process called “oriental hellenization”, by means of the mixed marriages.