Terrorismo y Reinserción
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Análisis sobre si la reinserción es un derecho fundamental o no, en
el que vemos que opina el Tribunal Constitucional, el Tribunal
Supremo y las diferentes doctrinas. Vemos los numerosos
programas que nos encontramos para que se alcance esa
reinserción social y la reeducación de los internos. También
estudiamos sobre la radicalización que está habiendo en estos años
atrás y actualmente sobre cómo se opera en los centros
penitenciarios y las medidas de prevención de éstos con algunos
ejemplos de esta radicalización en los últimos años. Por ultimo
veremos el régimen penitenciario al que están sometidos los
internos dentro del centro penitenciario, como se les evalúa y
como pasan de un régimen a otro.
Analysis of whether reintegration is a fundamental right or not, in which we see what the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and different doctrines think. We look at the numerous programmes that we find to achieve this social reintegration and the reeducation of inmates. We also study the radicalisation that has been taking place in recent years and is currently taking place in penitentiary centres and their prevention measures, with some examples of this radicalisation in recent years. Finally, we will look at the penitentiary regime to which the inmates are subjected within the penitentiary centre, how they are evaluated and how they pass from one regime to another.
Analysis of whether reintegration is a fundamental right or not, in which we see what the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and different doctrines think. We look at the numerous programmes that we find to achieve this social reintegration and the reeducation of inmates. We also study the radicalisation that has been taking place in recent years and is currently taking place in penitentiary centres and their prevention measures, with some examples of this radicalisation in recent years. Finally, we will look at the penitentiary regime to which the inmates are subjected within the penitentiary centre, how they are evaluated and how they pass from one regime to another.