La lengua oral en Educación Secundaria: Una proyección didáctica
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster vamos a llevar a término una fundamentación epistemológica sobre la lengua oral, la cual tendrá una conexión directa con una propuesta didáctica; aquí se pondría en práctica lo estudiado en la parte previa de investigación. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo analizar y profundizar en un tema muy amplio y ciertamente abstracto, como es la lengua oral. Dicho proyecto estará enfocado desde el punto de vista de la Educación Secundaria y, en concreto, del aula de Secundaria. Por tanto, trataremos de trabajar para demostrar la importancia de la lengua oral en la vida cotidiana y, más aún, en las aulas, ya que es fundamental la interacción entre el profesorado y el alumnado en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
[EN]In this Final Project Master we will to complete an epistemological foundation of oral language, which will have a direct connection with a didactic; here it would be implemented as discussed in the previous part of research. This project aims to analyze and deepen in a very broad and certainly abstract subject, as is the spoken language. The project will be focused from a perspective of secondary education and, specifically, the secondary classroom. Therefore, we will try to work to demostrate the importance of oral language in daily life and, even more, in the classrooms, as it is essential the interaction between teachers and students in the teaching-learning process.
[EN]In this Final Project Master we will to complete an epistemological foundation of oral language, which will have a direct connection with a didactic; here it would be implemented as discussed in the previous part of research. This project aims to analyze and deepen in a very broad and certainly abstract subject, as is the spoken language. The project will be focused from a perspective of secondary education and, specifically, the secondary classroom. Therefore, we will try to work to demostrate the importance of oral language in daily life and, even more, in the classrooms, as it is essential the interaction between teachers and students in the teaching-learning process.