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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)El presente trabajo fin de máster pretende instaurar un proyecto de innovación para aplicarlo en
la asignatura de 3o de ESO de Tecnología y Digitalización. Durante el desarrollo de la
asignatura durante el curso escolar, se pretende realizar retos extras que complementen y
profundicen el desarrollo de los contenidos trabajos en clase, aplicando una metodología
innovadora de gamificación que permita aumentar en el alumnado su motivación e
implicación tanto por la asignatura como por los contenidos tratados. Estos 6 retos
propuestos irán relacionados con las situaciones de aprendizaje que se trabajen en el aula y
bajo un contexto lúdico aplicado a la educación, ya que se pretende utilizar el juego de Clash
of Clan como tema principal para la unión de todos los retos y el hilo conductor de todo el
(EN)This master's thesis aims to establish an innovation project to apply it in the 3rd ESO subject of Technology and Digitization. During the development of the subject during the school year, it is intended to carry out extra challenges that complement and deepen the development of the contents of class work, applying an innovative gamification methodology that allows students to increase their motivation and involvement in both the subject and for the content processed. These 6 proposed challenges will be related to the learning situations that are worked on in the classroom and under a ludic context applied to education, since it is intended to use the Clash of Clan game as the main theme for the union of all the challenges and the common thread throughout the project.
(EN)This master's thesis aims to establish an innovation project to apply it in the 3rd ESO subject of Technology and Digitization. During the development of the subject during the school year, it is intended to carry out extra challenges that complement and deepen the development of the contents of class work, applying an innovative gamification methodology that allows students to increase their motivation and involvement in both the subject and for the content processed. These 6 proposed challenges will be related to the learning situations that are worked on in the classroom and under a ludic context applied to education, since it is intended to use the Clash of Clan game as the main theme for the union of all the challenges and the common thread throughout the project.