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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Este Trabajo Fin de Máster está estructurado en tres partes. La primera de ellas contiene
información relativa a la investigación de diferentes temas. Por un lado, se investigan los
diferentes talleres literarios de más éxito en España recogido en el libro de Delmiro Coto. Por
otra parte se hace una breve revisión de las cuestiones relacionadas con la poesía estableciendo
una base adaptada para alumnos de cuarto de ESO. La última parte está orientada a la
investigación de los tópicos literarios beatus ille, carpe diem y locus amoenus. Estos se tratarán
desde una perspectiva cronológica y se pondrá el foco en el análisis de los distintos elementos
que son tratados en cada uno de ellos. No se trata de una investigación profunda que analice
exhaustivamente, pero sí nos sirve para visualizar los cambios que se llevan a cabo en diferentes
etapas sobre los mismos asuntos. Finalmente, se proyectarán una programación didáctica y una
unidad didáctica donde aprovecharemos el trabajo de investigación para elaborar una propuesta
donde aunemos el formato de taller literario, la poesía y los tópicos, todo ellos adecuado para
estudiantes jóvenes adolescentes que vivan en un entorno rural.
[EN] This Master ́s Final Project is structured in three parts. The first one contains information related to the investigation of diferents topics. On the one hand, the different most successful literay workshops in Spain collected in Delmiro Coto ́s book will be investigated. On the other hand, a brief review of the issues related to poetry is made, establishing an adapted base for 4oESO students. The last part is oriented to the investigation of literary topics beatus ille, carpe diem and locus amoenus. These will be treated from a chronological perspective and the focus will be on the analysis of different elements that are treated in each one of them. It is not a deep investigation that analyzes exhaustively, but it does help us to visualize the changes that are carried out at different stages on the same issues. Finally, a didactic program and a didactic unit will be projected where we will take advantage of the research work to elaborate a proposal where we combine the literary workshop format, poetry and topics, all of them suitable for young adolescent students who live in a rural enviroment.
[EN] This Master ́s Final Project is structured in three parts. The first one contains information related to the investigation of diferents topics. On the one hand, the different most successful literay workshops in Spain collected in Delmiro Coto ́s book will be investigated. On the other hand, a brief review of the issues related to poetry is made, establishing an adapted base for 4oESO students. The last part is oriented to the investigation of literary topics beatus ille, carpe diem and locus amoenus. These will be treated from a chronological perspective and the focus will be on the analysis of different elements that are treated in each one of them. It is not a deep investigation that analyzes exhaustively, but it does help us to visualize the changes that are carried out at different stages on the same issues. Finally, a didactic program and a didactic unit will be projected where we will take advantage of the research work to elaborate a proposal where we combine the literary workshop format, poetry and topics, all of them suitable for young adolescent students who live in a rural enviroment.