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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este trabajo de fin de grado se centra en la gran importancia que se debe conceder a la necesidad de
conseguir una sociedad en la que se dé una verdadera igualdad de género en todos los ambientes de la
vida. Para ello resulta fundamental que la coeducación sea un valor que se trabaje profundamente en los
centros educativos.
A través del tratamiento de la formación en valores en la ley educativa se puede observar en que ésta
concede atención a este ámbito en la educación, pues aún queda mucho por cambiar para llegar a una
sociedad igualitaria. Al análisis de la ley en cuanto a educación en valores para la igualdad consagramos la
primera parte de este trabajo.
El siguiente apartado se centra en reflexionar a partir de la experiencia del Practicum que he realizado este
año, sobre las iniciativas que se llevan a cabo en materia de coeducación en el aula.
Por último, realizamos una propuesta de actividades prácticas dirigidas al alumnado de Educación Primaria
para fomentar tanto dentro del aula como en iniciativas a nivel de todo el colegio, la igualdad de género y
también para trabajar los valores esenciales de la convivencia.
This Final Degree Project focuses on the importance we must give to the need to achieve a society with a real gender equality in all walks of life. To this end, it is essential that coeducation becomes a practiced value in education centres. The way Education Law treats Value Formation reflects the importance this field has in the education, as there are still many aspects to be changed if we want a more equal society. We devote the first part of this project to the analysis of the Law and how Value Formation for Equality is incorporated in it. The second section concentrates on reflexions after experiences gathered in the Practicum I completed this year and the Coeducation initiatives conducted inside the classroom. Finally, several practica! activities aimed at primary students are proposed so that values of sociable living and gender equality are fostered, both inside the classroom and throughout the school.
This Final Degree Project focuses on the importance we must give to the need to achieve a society with a real gender equality in all walks of life. To this end, it is essential that coeducation becomes a practiced value in education centres. The way Education Law treats Value Formation reflects the importance this field has in the education, as there are still many aspects to be changed if we want a more equal society. We devote the first part of this project to the analysis of the Law and how Value Formation for Equality is incorporated in it. The second section concentrates on reflexions after experiences gathered in the Practicum I completed this year and the Coeducation initiatives conducted inside the classroom. Finally, several practica! activities aimed at primary students are proposed so that values of sociable living and gender equality are fostered, both inside the classroom and throughout the school.
Palabras clave
educación especial