La comunicación en el aula a través de la Literatura.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La expresión oral es una de las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas de carácter ejemplar tanto en el ámbito académico, durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, como el ámbito social. Para fomentar el plano oral en el aula de forma sistemática, he desarrollado un proyecto didáctico cuya temática es “La comunicación en el aula a través de la literatura”. Este proyecto se llevará a cabo a través de la metodología propia del aprendizaje cooperativo, ya que, de esta forma, los discentes tienen más oportunidades de participar en cada una de las situaciones comunicativas que se planteen en el aula al estar continuamente interaccionando con los compañeros/as. El proyecto tendrá una duración de tres semanas e irá destinado para el alumnado del 2.º curso de Educación Primaria, debido a que lo más conveniente es trabajar la oralidad desde los primeros niveles educativos.
The oral expression is one of four linguistic skills of exemplary character so much in the academic area, during the process of education - learning, as the social area. To promote the oral plane in the classroom of systematic form, I have developed a didactic project which subject matter is "The communication in the classroom across the literature ". This project will be carried out across the own methodology of the cooperative learning, since, of this form, the discentes have more opportunities to take part in each of the communicative situations that appear in the classroom on having been intergesticulating constant with the companions / aces. The project will have a duration of three weeks and there will be destined for the student body of 2.º course of Primary Education, due to the fact that the most suitable thing is to work the orality from the first educational levels.
The oral expression is one of four linguistic skills of exemplary character so much in the academic area, during the process of education - learning, as the social area. To promote the oral plane in the classroom of systematic form, I have developed a didactic project which subject matter is "The communication in the classroom across the literature ". This project will be carried out across the own methodology of the cooperative learning, since, of this form, the discentes have more opportunities to take part in each of the communicative situations that appear in the classroom on having been intergesticulating constant with the companions / aces. The project will have a duration of three weeks and there will be destined for the student body of 2.º course of Primary Education, due to the fact that the most suitable thing is to work the orality from the first educational levels.