Fomentar el valor de la igualdad en educación primaria: propuestas de intervención en el aula
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(ES) Antes de conocer la situación de la igualdad en la educación, hay que ser conscientes de la
organización de esta, las leyes que la rigen y la forma de llevarse a cabo. Con posterioridad, es
necesario conocer la forma en la que se trabaja la igualdad actualmente, conocer las leyes en las
que se basan y se llevan a cabo y si tienen una funcionalidad real. A pesar de estas leyes, en la
educación, no se obtienen los resultados esperados, ya que estas no son llevadas a la práctica
de la mejor manera, anulando así toda su funcionalidad y dificultando el camino hacia el
objetivo deseado. Como futura docente que lucha por la igualdad he propuesto una serie de
actividades con el objetivo de lograr un cambio de mentalidades y valores en los más pequeños
y pequeñas y en sus familiares para conseguir una convivencia digna para todos/as.
(EN) Before getting to know the situation of equality in education, it is necessary to be aware of the organisation of education, the laws that govern it and the way it is carried out. Subsequently, it is necessary to know the way in which equality is currently worked, to know the laws on which they are based and carried out and if they have a real functionality. In spite of these laws, in education, the expected results are not obtained, as they are not put into practice in the best way, thus nullifying all their functionality and hindering the way to the desired goal. As a future teacher who fights for equality, I have proposed a series of activities with the aim of achieving a change of mentalities and values in the youngest children and their families in order to achieve a dignified coexistence for all.
(EN) Before getting to know the situation of equality in education, it is necessary to be aware of the organisation of education, the laws that govern it and the way it is carried out. Subsequently, it is necessary to know the way in which equality is currently worked, to know the laws on which they are based and carried out and if they have a real functionality. In spite of these laws, in education, the expected results are not obtained, as they are not put into practice in the best way, thus nullifying all their functionality and hindering the way to the desired goal. As a future teacher who fights for equality, I have proposed a series of activities with the aim of achieving a change of mentalities and values in the youngest children and their families in order to achieve a dignified coexistence for all.
Palabras clave
Educación especial.