Travesía por la figura del héroe literario
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El presente Trabajo Fin de Master pone de manifiesto una prepuesta didáctica innovadora dentro del estudio de la literatura universal. Se basa en el estudio del evolución del porcentaje del héroe desde la Antigüedad hasta nuestro días buscando el objeto de fomentar el habito lector en los alumnos. Así mismo, nos servirá para relacionar los contenidos de literatura, estudiados de forma aislada, con otros movimientos literarios. Se llevara a cabo un estudio para demostrar los beneficios de la nueva forma de enseñar literatura relacionándolo con contenidos transversales como la educación en valores. De la misma forma, se realiza una Investigación acerca de los nuevos hábitos lectores en los jóvenes los cuales pueden llevarse a cabo en el aula. Todo sto es unificado en la unidad didáctica llamada Travesía por la figura del héroe literario, donde se aplica la normativa educativa vigente en la materia de Literatura Universal en un curso de 1º de Bachillerato, junto a la investigación de esta figura del héroe
[EN] At the present Master Funal Project highlighta an innovative didactic proposal inside of Unisersal Literary education. It is based on the study of the evolution of the hero character from antiquity up to the present day, with the aim of fostering student's reading habits. In addition, it'll help us to relate the literature's contents , studied in an independent way, with other literary movement. A study will be carried out to to show the benefits of the new way, with other of teaching literature, in relation with transversal content sush values eduaction. In the same way, new reaserch of the new reading habits of young people is carried out, which can be done in classroom. All of this is unified in a didactic unit called " A journey through literary hero figure" where the current eductional regulation in the field of Universal Literature in a 1st high school degree are applied, together with the reasearch of this hero's figure.
[EN] At the present Master Funal Project highlighta an innovative didactic proposal inside of Unisersal Literary education. It is based on the study of the evolution of the hero character from antiquity up to the present day, with the aim of fostering student's reading habits. In addition, it'll help us to relate the literature's contents , studied in an independent way, with other literary movement. A study will be carried out to to show the benefits of the new way, with other of teaching literature, in relation with transversal content sush values eduaction. In the same way, new reaserch of the new reading habits of young people is carried out, which can be done in classroom. All of this is unified in a didactic unit called " A journey through literary hero figure" where the current eductional regulation in the field of Universal Literature in a 1st high school degree are applied, together with the reasearch of this hero's figure.