Virginia Woolf’s fictive and non-fictive worlds: Orlando and A Room of One ́s Own
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El siguiente estudio, sobre los mundos de ficción y no ficción de Virginia Woolf, se centra en Orlando y A
Room of One’s Own, examinando lo que Woolf pretendía transmitir a la sociedad en la que vivió. En
particular, se examina qué aspectos de Una habitación propia pueden encontrarse en Orlando, y cómo la
escritura y las ideas presentadas en la primera se reflejan en su ficción.
Este trabajo está organizado en cinco partes. La primera ofrece un telón de fondo social que considera el
entorno cultural de la autora. La segunda describe brevemente los libros y artículos utilizados en esta
disertación. La tercera examina algunos rasgos biográficos de Virginia Woolf. Las subsecciones de la cuarta
sección corresponden a las principales obras de Virginia Woolf, concentrándose en las dos obras objeto de
estudio. La quinta parte muestra las conclusiones de la autora, que resumen los puntos principales de este
[EN] The following study, on Virginia Woolf’s fictive and non-fictive worlds, focuses on Orlando and A Room of One’s Own. What Woolf meant to convey to the society in which she lived is examined, in particular, what aspects of A Room of One’s Own can be found in Orlando, and how the writing and ideas presented in the former are reflected in her fiction. This paper is organised into five parts. The first part offers a social backdrop that considers the author’s cultural setting. The second section briefly describes the books and articles used in this dissertation. The third examines certain biographical features of Virginia Woolf. The subsections of section four correspond to the main works of Virginia Woolf, concentrating on the two works under study. The fifth part displays the correspondent’s conclusions, which summarise this essay’s most essential points.
[EN] The following study, on Virginia Woolf’s fictive and non-fictive worlds, focuses on Orlando and A Room of One’s Own. What Woolf meant to convey to the society in which she lived is examined, in particular, what aspects of A Room of One’s Own can be found in Orlando, and how the writing and ideas presented in the former are reflected in her fiction. This paper is organised into five parts. The first part offers a social backdrop that considers the author’s cultural setting. The second section briefly describes the books and articles used in this dissertation. The third examines certain biographical features of Virginia Woolf. The subsections of section four correspond to the main works of Virginia Woolf, concentrating on the two works under study. The fifth part displays the correspondent’s conclusions, which summarise this essay’s most essential points.