La música en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Enfoque constructivista del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje musical
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Los tiempos están cambiando a una velocidad que hace unas décadas no imaginábamos. Esto también se ha trasladado a la música, lo que se ha traducido en la creación de multitud de géneros musicales de consumo popular que resuenan en todos los rincones del mundo. En la enseñanza y estudio de la música no podemos continuar sin evidenciar la realidad existente por lo que debemos adaptarnos a los tiempos que corren y empezar a dar prioridad a la música que actualmente es demandada por el alumnado.
Nuestra aportación a esta idea se concreta en la asignatura “Historia de la Música y la Danza” de 2º de Bachillerato (modalidad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) y el problema de partida el descenso de matriculación y la eliminación de su oferta en algunos centros. A partir de ello y de una encuesta de intereses musicales realizada a alumnos de 1º de Bachillerato, revalorizaremos la música del siglo XX en la asignatura mencionada dándole la importancia que se merece, sin olvidar que trabajamos condicionados por la Selectividad. Ya que no hay un temario oficial establecido para el Tema 9: Segunda mitad del siglo XX: las vanguardias, el pop y la música cinematográfica, en primer lugar hemos acotado el tema a tratar para posteriormente plantear una unidad didáctica completa y a partir de premisas constructivistas, coherente con lo que a nuestro juicio se debería estudiar, ajustándonos a los descriptores del Decreto 416/2008, de 22 de julio, BOJA del 28, por el que se establecen las enseñanzas del Bachillerato en Andalucía y la Orden de 5 de agosto de 2008, BOJA del 26, por el que se establece el currículo del Bachillerato en Andalucía sin olvidarnos de preparar lo mejor posible al alumnado para la prueba según las indicaciones del Distrito Único Andaluz.
[EN] The times are changing at a speed that was unimaginable decades ago. This has affected music too, resulting in the appearance of multiple popular music genres that reach every part of our world. In teaching and studying music we cannot turn a blind eye to it. We must adapt to current times and start giving some priority to the music that students listen and demand these days. Our part in this idea takes place in the subject of “Music and Dance History”, during the last year of secondary education (Humanities and Social Science emphasis), and the problem of the decreasing number of students taking the subject, and its elimination in some centres. Through it, and a survey carried out to students of 5th year of high school, we will re-value the music of the 20th century, giving it the importance it deserves, but without forgetting the students’ preparation for the A-Levels. As there is no established theoretical framework for Unit 9 (Second half of the 20th century: avant-garde, pop and cinema music) we have first delimited the topic in hand and then developed an entire teaching unit, based on constructivist premises and using the contents which we deem necessary. This unit is adapted to the descriptors of the 416/2008 Order, of July 22, and the BOJA of the 28, regulating teaching in the Sixth Form in Andalucia and the Order of August 5, 2008, BOJA of the 26, establishing the Sixth Form curriculum in Andalucia, but at the same time preparing students as well as possible for the A-Levels following the Distrito Único Andaluz guidelines.
[EN] The times are changing at a speed that was unimaginable decades ago. This has affected music too, resulting in the appearance of multiple popular music genres that reach every part of our world. In teaching and studying music we cannot turn a blind eye to it. We must adapt to current times and start giving some priority to the music that students listen and demand these days. Our part in this idea takes place in the subject of “Music and Dance History”, during the last year of secondary education (Humanities and Social Science emphasis), and the problem of the decreasing number of students taking the subject, and its elimination in some centres. Through it, and a survey carried out to students of 5th year of high school, we will re-value the music of the 20th century, giving it the importance it deserves, but without forgetting the students’ preparation for the A-Levels. As there is no established theoretical framework for Unit 9 (Second half of the 20th century: avant-garde, pop and cinema music) we have first delimited the topic in hand and then developed an entire teaching unit, based on constructivist premises and using the contents which we deem necessary. This unit is adapted to the descriptors of the 416/2008 Order, of July 22, and the BOJA of the 28, regulating teaching in the Sixth Form in Andalucia and the Order of August 5, 2008, BOJA of the 26, establishing the Sixth Form curriculum in Andalucia, but at the same time preparing students as well as possible for the A-Levels following the Distrito Único Andaluz guidelines.
Palabras clave
Orientación Educativa (Música)