Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos
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Actualmente, cada vez más, las metodologías activas e innovadoras cobran más importancia a la hora de llevar a cabo el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En este contexto, el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos, es una de las principales líneas metodológicas implantadas en la docencia actual debido al papel participativo y activo que se le otorga al alumnado, siendo así, por tanto, partícipe de su propio aprendizaje.
Asimismo, al implementar el ABP se fomenta la motivación del alumnado, dando como resultado un aprendizaje significativo e intercurricular adaptándose a las necesidades y al ritmo de aprendizaje del alumnado.
Del mismo modo, y de la manera que se va a llevar a cabo en la siguiente Unidad Didáctica, se le otorga importancia a la interculturalidad y diversidad cultural, impulsando en el alumnado una serie de aspectos, tales como, un carácter crítico y emprendedor, toma de decisiones, desarrolla las competencias del siglo XXI, se le otorga cierta autonomía, etc.
Nowadays, active and innovative methodologies are becoming more and more crucial in the teaching-learning process. In this sense, Project Based Learning is considered to be one of the main methodological approaches implemented in current teaching. It is based on the participative and active role given to our students, who are involved in their own learning. In addition, when implementing the ABP, student motivation is encouraged, resulting in significant and intercurricular learning. This type is adapted to the needs as well as to the learning rhythm of the students. In the same way, according to the criteria that will be followed in this didactic unit, importance is given to interculturality and cultural diversity, which develop some skills in the students, such as a critical and enterprising character, decision-making skills and knowing how to develop the competences of the 21st century, independence, etc.
Nowadays, active and innovative methodologies are becoming more and more crucial in the teaching-learning process. In this sense, Project Based Learning is considered to be one of the main methodological approaches implemented in current teaching. It is based on the participative and active role given to our students, who are involved in their own learning. In addition, when implementing the ABP, student motivation is encouraged, resulting in significant and intercurricular learning. This type is adapted to the needs as well as to the learning rhythm of the students. In the same way, according to the criteria that will be followed in this didactic unit, importance is given to interculturality and cultural diversity, which develop some skills in the students, such as a critical and enterprising character, decision-making skills and knowing how to develop the competences of the 21st century, independence, etc.
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