Dos perspectivas artísticas y religiosas: Galdós y Buñuel (Estudio comparativo de la novela Nazarín y la película homónima)
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(ES) El objetivo del trabajo es profundizar en la ideología social y religiosa de Benito Pérez Galdós
intentando demostrar que su postura no era tan radicalmente progresista ni anticlerical como se ha
afirmado desde algunos sectores. Para ello, me centraré sobre todo en dos visiones distintas del arte y
de la religión a partir del análisis de dos artistas españoles: Benito Pérez Galdós (escritor) y Luis Buñuel
(director de cine). En concreto, se trata de una aproximación a sus respectivas trayectorias haciendo
hincapié en su relación creativa y de pensamiento, puesto que Buñuel se basó en varias novelas de
Galdós en su producción cinematográfica. Más en concreto, me propongo comparar con detalle las
principales diferencias existentes entre la novela Nazarín, de Galdós, y la película de Buñuel del mismo
título, puesto que en ambas obras se pueden apreciar tanto similitudes como diferencias significativas
en la manera de entender el arte, la sociedad y la religión por parte de ambos autores.
(EN) The objective of the work is to delve into the social and religious ideology of Benito Pérez Galdós, trying to demonstrate that his position was not as radically progressive or anticlerical as has been affirmed by some sectors. To do this, I will focus above all on two different visions of art and religion based on the analysis of two Spanish artists: Benito Pérez Galdós (writer) and Luis Buñuel (film director). Specifically, it is an approach to their respective trajectories, emphasizing their creative relationship and thought, since Buñuel based his film production on several novels by Galdós. More specifically, I intend to compare in detail the main differences between the novel Nazarín, by Galdós, and Buñuel's film of the same title, since both works show both similarities and significant differences in the way of understanding art, society and religion by both authors.
(EN) The objective of the work is to delve into the social and religious ideology of Benito Pérez Galdós, trying to demonstrate that his position was not as radically progressive or anticlerical as has been affirmed by some sectors. To do this, I will focus above all on two different visions of art and religion based on the analysis of two Spanish artists: Benito Pérez Galdós (writer) and Luis Buñuel (film director). Specifically, it is an approach to their respective trajectories, emphasizing their creative relationship and thought, since Buñuel based his film production on several novels by Galdós. More specifically, I intend to compare in detail the main differences between the novel Nazarín, by Galdós, and Buñuel's film of the same title, since both works show both similarities and significant differences in the way of understanding art, society and religion by both authors.