Influencia de Edgar Allan Poe en Tim Burton: ecos formales y temáticos en Vincent (1982)
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Tim Burton comenzó profesionalmente su carrera cinematográfica con Vincent. A lo largo de los años, su figura ha ido ganando prestigio e importancia dentro del séptimo arte. Será con películas como Big Fish (2003), Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate (2005) o Alicia en el país de las maravillas (2010) donde se verá su auténtica madurez como director. Actualmente, Burton sigue siendo un destacable realizador, productor, escritor y diseñador. Su obra ha tenido tal importancia que ha creado una nueva forma de ver y entender el cine y, además, se ha ganado al público, que ha sabido reconocer fielmente su labor.
El presente estudio consiste en un análisis del corto Vincent. Para ello, nos centraremos en la influencia de Edgar Allan Poe en la figura de Burton y, posteriormente, analizaremos el corto, destacando los detalles más reseñables, así como la influencia que tendrá en el resto de títulos de su filmografía.
Tim Burton began his professional film career with Vincent. Throughout the years, his figure has been gaining prestige and importance within the seventh art. It will be with films like Big Fish (2003), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) or Alice in Wonderland (2010) where one can sense his maturity as director. Nowadays, Burton remains a remarkable director, producer, writer and designer. His work has been of such an importance that he has created a new way of seeing and understanding cinema and, moreover, he has won the audience, who has recognized his labour faithfully. This work consists of an analysis of the short film Vincent. To do this, we will focus on Edgar Allan Poe’s influence of Burton and we will eventually analyze this short film, emphasizing its most interesting details as well as its influence on other titles in his filmography.
Tim Burton began his professional film career with Vincent. Throughout the years, his figure has been gaining prestige and importance within the seventh art. It will be with films like Big Fish (2003), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) or Alice in Wonderland (2010) where one can sense his maturity as director. Nowadays, Burton remains a remarkable director, producer, writer and designer. His work has been of such an importance that he has created a new way of seeing and understanding cinema and, moreover, he has won the audience, who has recognized his labour faithfully. This work consists of an analysis of the short film Vincent. To do this, we will focus on Edgar Allan Poe’s influence of Burton and we will eventually analyze this short film, emphasizing its most interesting details as well as its influence on other titles in his filmography.