Animación a la lectura e introducción al aprendizaje de la lengua francesa a través de la música del compositor Maurice Ravel
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]La elaboración de este TFG se basa en la realización de una actividad en primer ciclo con motivo de la “Semana de animación a la lectura”. El principal objetivo será cómo iniciar a los niños/-as de primer ciclo de primaria en el gusto por la lectura a través de los cuentos, pero siempre acompañados de música, para que se sientan más atraídos.
Como el compositor es francés vamos a ver los saludos y la forma de cortesía en la rutina de clase y descubrir y aprender un ocabulario sencillo siempre en relación con el entorno del niño y de sus intereses.
Por último diseñaré una pequeña guía, la cual, trata de dar respuesta a todos los factores necesarios que debemos tener en cuenta como maestros a la hora de abordar este tipo de contenidos con nuestros alumnos, así como qué tipo de metodología será la correcta para poder trabajar este tema.
[EN]The development of this TFG is based on the performance of an activity in the first cycle to mark the "Week to encourage reading." The main focus will be how to introduce children / first cycle-as in the primary love of reading through stories, but always accompanied by music, to feel more attracted. As the composer's French we will see the greetings and polite form in classroom routine and discover and learn simple vocabulary always in relation to the child's environment and its interests. Finally I will design a little guide, which tries to answer all the factors necessary to keep in mind as teachers in addressing this type of content to our students, as well as what kind of methodology will be the correct order work on this topic.
[EN]The development of this TFG is based on the performance of an activity in the first cycle to mark the "Week to encourage reading." The main focus will be how to introduce children / first cycle-as in the primary love of reading through stories, but always accompanied by music, to feel more attracted. As the composer's French we will see the greetings and polite form in classroom routine and discover and learn simple vocabulary always in relation to the child's environment and its interests. Finally I will design a little guide, which tries to answer all the factors necessary to keep in mind as teachers in addressing this type of content to our students, as well as what kind of methodology will be the correct order work on this topic.
Palabras clave
Educación musical