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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] En este Trabajo de Fin de Máster se ha desarrollado una Unidad Didáctica relativa a los contenidos de
Biología y Geología de 3o ESO, concretamente sobre la sexualidad y la reproducción humana. Durante el
desarrollo de este trabajo, he querido plasmar la importancia de esta materia dentro del currículo debido
a su íntima relación con la salud física y psicológica el alumnado. Así bien, durante esta unidad didáctica el alumno se verá inmerso en diversas dinámicas de trabajo cooperativo que le ayudarán a reflexionar y
desarrollar un pensamiento crítico frente a la sexualidad y la reproducción, así como fomentar el respeto
y la tolerancia hacia los demás.
Palabras clave: aprendizaje significativo, reproducción, sexualidad, trabajo cooperativo
[EN] In this Master’s Thesis has been developed a Didactic Unit related to the contents of Biology and Geology in the third year of secondary school, specifically about sexuality and human reproduction. During the development of this work, I wanted to emphasize the importance of this subject within the curriculum due to its intimate relationship with the physical and psychological health of the students. Thus, during this didactic unit, the students will be immersed in several dynamics of cooperative work that will help them to reflect and develop critical thinking about sexuality and reproduction, as well as promote respect and tolerance towards others. Keywords: cooperative work, reproduction, sexuality, significant learning.
[EN] In this Master’s Thesis has been developed a Didactic Unit related to the contents of Biology and Geology in the third year of secondary school, specifically about sexuality and human reproduction. During the development of this work, I wanted to emphasize the importance of this subject within the curriculum due to its intimate relationship with the physical and psychological health of the students. Thus, during this didactic unit, the students will be immersed in several dynamics of cooperative work that will help them to reflect and develop critical thinking about sexuality and reproduction, as well as promote respect and tolerance towards others. Keywords: cooperative work, reproduction, sexuality, significant learning.