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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)Los factores que provocan los riesgos psicosociales no son recientes, debido a
que siempre han existido en el entorno laboral, pero han sido ocultados por otros que
parecían presentar un mayor protagonismo. Los riesgos psicosociales tienen su origen
en las carencias del diseño, la planificación, la organización y la gestión del trabajo. Por
lo que, es preciso analizar y evaluar los factores y los riesgos psicosociales empleando
los métodos e instrumentos más adecuados. Además, este tipo de riesgo puede
producir resultados físicos, psicológicos y sociales negativos, como el estrés laboral, el
degaste profesional (burnout) o el acoso laboral. Es conveniente concienciar a los/as
alumnos/as sobre todo ello antes de incorporarse al mundo laboral, permitiéndoles
obtener una educación básica y una actitud coherente ante los riesgos.
En el presente trabajo, se pretende investigar con mayor precisión, realizando
una fundamentación epistemológica para posteriormente darle una proyección
didáctica, proponiendo una programación para el curso 2022/2023 contextualizada en
el módulo profesional de Formación y Orientación Laboral en el Ciclo Formativo de
Grado Superior en Asistencia a la Dirección.
(EN)The factors that cause psychosocial risks are not recent, because they have always existed in the work environment, but have been hidden by others that seemed to be more prominent. Psychosocial risks are caused by shortcomings in the design, planning, organisation and management of work. Therefore, psychosocial factors and risks need to be analysed and assessed using the most appropriate methods and tools. Moreover, this type of risk can produce negative physical, psychological and social results, such as work-related stress, burnout or harassment at work. It is advisable to make students aware of all this before they enter the world of work, allowing them to obtain a basic education and a coherent attitude towards risks. In the present work, the aim is to investigate with greater precision, carrying out an epistemological foundation in order to subsequently give it a didactic projection, proposing a programme for the 2022/2023 academic year contextualised in the professional module of Training and Work Orientation in the Higher Level Training Cycle in Management Assistance.
(EN)The factors that cause psychosocial risks are not recent, because they have always existed in the work environment, but have been hidden by others that seemed to be more prominent. Psychosocial risks are caused by shortcomings in the design, planning, organisation and management of work. Therefore, psychosocial factors and risks need to be analysed and assessed using the most appropriate methods and tools. Moreover, this type of risk can produce negative physical, psychological and social results, such as work-related stress, burnout or harassment at work. It is advisable to make students aware of all this before they enter the world of work, allowing them to obtain a basic education and a coherent attitude towards risks. In the present work, the aim is to investigate with greater precision, carrying out an epistemological foundation in order to subsequently give it a didactic projection, proposing a programme for the 2022/2023 academic year contextualised in the professional module of Training and Work Orientation in the Higher Level Training Cycle in Management Assistance.