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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] En este Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) se han obtenido tres derivados acilados del conocido antimicrobiano
natural carvacrol (1) mediante la reacción de acilación de Friedel-Crafts de fenoles, utilizando como agente
acilante un superácido (ácido tríflico) y cloruro de butanoilo, cuyas actividades antimicrobiana y antibiofilm
han sido evaluadas. La purificación de estos derivados se ha llevado a cabo mediante cromatografía en
columna preparativa, y su caracterización estructural mediante resonancia magnética nuclear, siendo un O-
butanoil-carvacrol (2), un C-butanoil-carvacrol (3) y un di-butanoil-carvacrol (4). Los resultados obtenidos
en la evaluación de la actividad antimicrobiana de los compuestos 1-4 muestran que el derivado 3 tiene
mayor actividad frente a bacterias de origen alimentario que el resto de los compuestos, incluida la
molécula de partida (1). Estos resultados permiten deducir algunas relaciones estructura-actividad que
pueden promover nuevas estrategias de conservación de alimentos utilizando estos derivados fenólicos,
una vez descartados sus posibles efectos citotóxicos.
[EN] In this Final Degree Project (TFG) three acylated derivatives of the well-known natural antimicrobial carvacrol (1) have been obtained by means of the Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction of phenols, using a superacid (triflic acid) and butanoyl chloride as an acylating agent, whose antimicrobial and anti-biofilm activities have been evaluated. The purification of these derivatives has been carried out by preparative column chromatography, and their structural characterization by nuclear magnetic resonance, being an O- butanoyl-carvacrol (2), a C-butanoyl-carvacrol (3) and a di-butanoyl-carvacrol (4). The results obtained in the evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of compounds 1-4 show that derivative 3 has higher activity against foodborne bacteria than the rest of the compounds, including the starting molecule (1). These results allow us to deduce some structure-activity relationships that may promote new food preservation strategies using these phenolic derivatives as biocides or preservatives in the food industry, once their possible cytotoxic effects have been discarded.
[EN] In this Final Degree Project (TFG) three acylated derivatives of the well-known natural antimicrobial carvacrol (1) have been obtained by means of the Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction of phenols, using a superacid (triflic acid) and butanoyl chloride as an acylating agent, whose antimicrobial and anti-biofilm activities have been evaluated. The purification of these derivatives has been carried out by preparative column chromatography, and their structural characterization by nuclear magnetic resonance, being an O- butanoyl-carvacrol (2), a C-butanoyl-carvacrol (3) and a di-butanoyl-carvacrol (4). The results obtained in the evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of compounds 1-4 show that derivative 3 has higher activity against foodborne bacteria than the rest of the compounds, including the starting molecule (1). These results allow us to deduce some structure-activity relationships that may promote new food preservation strategies using these phenolic derivatives as biocides or preservatives in the food industry, once their possible cytotoxic effects have been discarded.
Palabras clave
Química Orgánica