El servicio de correos en España y su evolución en el proceso de liberalización
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Hemos asistido en los últimos decenios a una incontestable dinámica económica, bendecida por el ala ideológica conservadora denominada como “neoliberalismo”, de liberalización y privatización de los servicios públicos en el conjunto de la economía global. Dicha dinámica, como no podía ser menos, alcanza también a la prestación del servicio postal, tradicionalmente llevada a cabo por el Estado.
A principios de los años 90, empiezan a producirse Decisiones comunitarias (como la Decisión de 1 de agosto de 1990) que obligan a los Estados miembros a reformar sus regímenes jurídicos, abriendo algunos servicios a su prestación por empresas privadas. En España, poco después de la Decisión antedicha, se produce la transformación de la Dirección General de Correos y Telégrafos y por vez primera, la posibilidad de proceder a liberalizar el mercado postal a nivel comunitario, dando a luz el Libro Verde sobre el desarrollo del mercado único de los servicios postales de la Comisión, de 11 de junio de 1992.
[EN]In recent decades, we have witnessed an undeniable economic dynamic, blessed by the conservative ideological wing called "neoliberalism", of liberalization and privatization of public services in the global economy as a whole. This dynamic, as it could not be less, also reaches the provision of the postal service, traditionally carried out by the State. At the beginning of the 1990s, Community decisions (such as the Decision of 1 August 1990), which oblige Member States to reform their legal systems, began to be opened up by providing some services to their provision by private companies. In Spain, shortly after the above decision, the General Directorate for Posts and Telegraphs was transformed and, for the first time, the possibility of liberalizing the postal market at Community level, giving birth to the Green Paper on the development of Single market for postal services of the Commission of 11 June 1992.
[EN]In recent decades, we have witnessed an undeniable economic dynamic, blessed by the conservative ideological wing called "neoliberalism", of liberalization and privatization of public services in the global economy as a whole. This dynamic, as it could not be less, also reaches the provision of the postal service, traditionally carried out by the State. At the beginning of the 1990s, Community decisions (such as the Decision of 1 August 1990), which oblige Member States to reform their legal systems, began to be opened up by providing some services to their provision by private companies. In Spain, shortly after the above decision, the General Directorate for Posts and Telegraphs was transformed and, for the first time, the possibility of liberalizing the postal market at Community level, giving birth to the Green Paper on the development of Single market for postal services of the Commission of 11 June 1992.