Análisis estratégico de las prácticas de Gestión de Recursos Humanos en Mercadona
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado consiste en el análisis de la gestión de RRHH en la
empresa Mercadona, desde un punto de vista estratégico. Para ello hemos analizado como son
los procesos de reclutamiento y selección, sus retribuciones en base a los años de antigüedad
de cada trabajador y cada tipo de puesto, los proyectos de formación que tiene la empresa y
las medidas de seguridad y salud laboral. En cuanto a su Dirección Estratégica definimos la
Visión, la Misión, Estrategias, Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de la empresa, y los
valores. Una vez obtenida toda la información hemos analizado si la empresa tiene una
dirección de RRHH estratégica, comprobando si cumple con los cuatro elementos necesarios
para ello. Para ello hemos buscado información en sus Memorias Anuales, convenio colectivo
y libros sobre los RRHH.
[EN] The present Final Project consists analysis of Human Resources Management in the company Mercadona, from a point of view strategic. For this purpose I have analized how the Mercadona recruitment and selection process work, their payments based on the years of service of every worker and every type of post, the training projects that the company provides as well as the security measures and occupational health. Regarding their strategic direction, Vision, Mission, Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility and the values of the company are defined. After obtained all information I have analized if the company has RRHH management strategic and I conclude that Mercadona if achieve the four elements to be strategic. For this purpose, I have searched for information in the annual reports of Mercadona, their collective agreement and books on RRHH.
[EN] The present Final Project consists analysis of Human Resources Management in the company Mercadona, from a point of view strategic. For this purpose I have analized how the Mercadona recruitment and selection process work, their payments based on the years of service of every worker and every type of post, the training projects that the company provides as well as the security measures and occupational health. Regarding their strategic direction, Vision, Mission, Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility and the values of the company are defined. After obtained all information I have analized if the company has RRHH management strategic and I conclude that Mercadona if achieve the four elements to be strategic. For this purpose, I have searched for information in the annual reports of Mercadona, their collective agreement and books on RRHH.