El vellocino de oro de Lope de Vega: tradición clásica e innovación
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Este estudio analiza la figura de Medea a través del tratamiento que diversos autores han concedido a su mito con Jasón, la manera en que se ha ido configurando la imagen que algunos clásicos tienen de este personaje. También se ha puesto especial atención en la figura de Lope de Vega de acuerdo a la importancia del Mundo Clásico en su obra, y especialmente en El vellocino de oro, que representa el mito de Medea y Jasón con destacadas innovaciones. El trabajo estudia, asimismo, la figura de Medea en El vellocino de oro de Lope de Vega a la luz de las fuentes clásicas y, para ello, partimos del análisis de estas fuentes, a fin de observar hasta qué punto se inspiró Lope en ellas y en qué medida innovó.
This study analyzes the figure of Medea through the treatment that various authors have given to his myth with Jason, the way in which the image that some classics have of this character has been shaped. Special attention has also been paid to the figure of Lope de Vega according to the importance of the Classical World in his work, and especially to El vellocino de oro, which represents the myth of Medea and Jason with outstanding innovations. The work also studies the figure of Medea in El vellocino de oro in the light of classical sources and, for this, we start from the analysis of these sources, in order to observe to what extent Lope was inspired by them and to what extent it innovated.
This study analyzes the figure of Medea through the treatment that various authors have given to his myth with Jason, the way in which the image that some classics have of this character has been shaped. Special attention has also been paid to the figure of Lope de Vega according to the importance of the Classical World in his work, and especially to El vellocino de oro, which represents the myth of Medea and Jason with outstanding innovations. The work also studies the figure of Medea in El vellocino de oro in the light of classical sources and, for this, we start from the analysis of these sources, in order to observe to what extent Lope was inspired by them and to what extent it innovated.
Palabras clave
Estudios Culturales