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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)En el presente trabajo fin de máster se va a desarrollar la Unidad Didáctica número 5: Controladores
Lógicos Programables perteneciente al currículo del Ciclo Formativo de Técnico Superior en Programación
de la Producción en Fabricación Mecánica. El módulo al que pertenece dicha unidad didáctica es
Programación de Sistemas Automáticos de Fabricación Mecánica que tiene una duración de 126 horas,
impartidas en el primer y segundo trimestre del 2o curso del ciclo.
El trabajo se divide en dos bloques principales, el primero la fundamentación epistemológica, en el cual se
plantean los conceptos básicos de la automatización industrial y la evolución e importancia en la sociedad.
El segundo bloque principal es el desarrollo de la unidad didáctica en sí misma, describiéndose desde la
metodología utilizada, hasta las diferentes relaciones entre objetivos, contenidos, competencias, criterios
de evaluación etc., también se contextualizará tanto el centro, como el alumnado que cursará el ciclo
formativo, ya que son factores que deben de tenerse muy en cuenta a la hora de programar.
(EN)In this work, contextualized at the Secondary Education Institute “El Valle” in Jaén, it has been developed the Didactic Unit number 5: Programmable Logic Controllers belonging to the curriculum of the degree qualification in Production Programming in Mechanical Manufacturing. This DU belongs to the subject Programming of Automatic Mechanical Manufacturing Systems, which lasts 126 hours, taught in the first and second trimesters of the 2nd year of the cycle. The work is divided in two main blocks; the first is the epistemological justification, in which the basic concepts of industrial automation and its evolution and importance in society are presented. The second main block is the development of the didactic unit itself, describing from the methodology used, to the different relationships between objectives, content, skills, evaluation criteria, etc. Both, the centre and the students of the training cycle have been contextualized, due to the fact, they are factors that must be taken into account when programming.
(EN)In this work, contextualized at the Secondary Education Institute “El Valle” in Jaén, it has been developed the Didactic Unit number 5: Programmable Logic Controllers belonging to the curriculum of the degree qualification in Production Programming in Mechanical Manufacturing. This DU belongs to the subject Programming of Automatic Mechanical Manufacturing Systems, which lasts 126 hours, taught in the first and second trimesters of the 2nd year of the cycle. The work is divided in two main blocks; the first is the epistemological justification, in which the basic concepts of industrial automation and its evolution and importance in society are presented. The second main block is the development of the didactic unit itself, describing from the methodology used, to the different relationships between objectives, content, skills, evaluation criteria, etc. Both, the centre and the students of the training cycle have been contextualized, due to the fact, they are factors that must be taken into account when programming.