Sistemas de almacenamiento para microred renovable.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En el presente documento se lleva a cabo un análisis de la expansión de las microredes inteligentes que puedan incluir sistemas fotovoltaicos de autoconsumo con almacenamiento híbrido y vehículos eléctricos, cuyo almacenamiento puede ser también híbrido. Esta expansión involucrará nuevos retos y oportunidades que requerirán la evolución y optimización de los interfaces actuales de conexión con las redes de distribución. Por ello, este proyecto abarcará el análisis, dimensionamiento y descripción de los componentes de la microred que se denominará microred inteligente FV+VE. Adicionalmente, se realiza un estudio de los sistemas de almacenamiento basados en baterías, los sistemas de almacenamiento basados en supercondensadores y convertidores de potencia.Para poder llevar a cabo un estudio del comportamiento de una microred se diseña, construye y se experimenta con un prototipo de microred FV+VE a menor escala. Se realiza un estudio de los diferentes algoritmos de control utilizados en convertidores de potencia, se selecciona el más propicio para el control de la tecnología con la que se está trabajando y se analiza su comportamiento para diferentes circunstancias de funcionamiento.
In this document an analysis of the expansion of intelligent micro nets which may include self-consumption photovoltaic systems with hybrid storage and electric vehicles, whose storage could be also hybrid, is carried out. This expansion will involve new challenges and opportunities which will demand the evolution and optimization of current connection interfaces with distribution networks. Thus, this project will cover the analysis, dimensioning and description of the components from the micro net which will be named PV+EV. Additionally, a study about storing systems based on batteries, super-capacitors and power converters is carried out. To carry out the study of the behaviour of a micro net a smaller scale prototype from the PV+EV micro net is designed, built and used for experiments. A study of the different control algorithms from power converters is done, the most convenient one for the technology under study is chosen and its behaviour under different working conditions is analysed.
In this document an analysis of the expansion of intelligent micro nets which may include self-consumption photovoltaic systems with hybrid storage and electric vehicles, whose storage could be also hybrid, is carried out. This expansion will involve new challenges and opportunities which will demand the evolution and optimization of current connection interfaces with distribution networks. Thus, this project will cover the analysis, dimensioning and description of the components from the micro net which will be named PV+EV. Additionally, a study about storing systems based on batteries, super-capacitors and power converters is carried out. To carry out the study of the behaviour of a micro net a smaller scale prototype from the PV+EV micro net is designed, built and used for experiments. A study of the different control algorithms from power converters is done, the most convenient one for the technology under study is chosen and its behaviour under different working conditions is analysed.
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