Vanguardia y moda. Del lienzo a la pasarela.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La historia de la moda ha despertado un gran interés en las últimas décadas, sirviendo como una nueva partida de investigación. “Vanguardia y moda. Del lienzo a la pasarela” pretender visibilizar que, así como la moda se manifiesta en el arte, el arte irrumpe en el ámbito de la moda y su confección. Nos centramos en el período de las vanguardias artísticas del siglo XX, que suponen un impacto contra la tradición y que por tanto, extrapolado a la esfera de la moda, supondrá una serie de innovaciones en la que tanto artistas como diseñadores, presentes y futuros, perpetuarán una mixtura entre arte y moda. Se crean conceptos nuevos donde el arte tendrá nuevas fuentes cómo será el diseño textil, en la mayoría de ocasiones de alta costura, así como los modistos encontrarán un foco de inspiración en las artes plásticas.
The history of fashion has awoke an interest in the last decades, being used as a new star in investigation. Vanguard and fashion. Of the canvas to the runway pretending to make visible, just like fashion is manifested in art, art busts into the area of fashion and its confection. We focus on the period of the artistic vanguards of the 20th century, wich supposes an impact against the tradition and therefore is extrapolated to the sphere of fashion, wich will supuse a series of innovations where artists and designers, present and futures, will perpetuate a mixture between art and fashion. New concepts are created where art will have new sources like textile design, in the majority of occasions of high class designs, just like dressmakers will find a light of inspiration in plastic arts.
The history of fashion has awoke an interest in the last decades, being used as a new star in investigation. Vanguard and fashion. Of the canvas to the runway pretending to make visible, just like fashion is manifested in art, art busts into the area of fashion and its confection. We focus on the period of the artistic vanguards of the 20th century, wich supposes an impact against the tradition and therefore is extrapolated to the sphere of fashion, wich will supuse a series of innovations where artists and designers, present and futures, will perpetuate a mixture between art and fashion. New concepts are created where art will have new sources like textile design, in the majority of occasions of high class designs, just like dressmakers will find a light of inspiration in plastic arts.
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