Problemática del mundo árabe ejemplificada en el cine y en la literatura árabes.
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El objetivo de este trabajo es exponer distintos conflictos sociales y bélicos con los que ha tenido
que lidiar la población árabe a lo largo de la historia. Conflictos que han servido para que autores y
cineastas enfoquen sus trabajos en estos problemas dándoles visibilidad. Para ello, se han utilizado
diferentes obras escritas y cinematográficas en cada uno de los apartados expuestos para, de esta
manera, combinar y mostrar la influencia que estos temas tienen sobre estos autores y cineastas que
usan la cultura de una manera reivindicativa.
The objective of this thesis is to expose different social and war conflicts that the Arab world has had to face throughout history. Conflicts that have inspired authors and filmmakers to focus their work on the problems, providing them with visibility. To achieve this, I have used different written and cinematographic works in each section to show the way that these themes have influenced the authors and filmmakers to use the culture in an expressive way.
The objective of this thesis is to expose different social and war conflicts that the Arab world has had to face throughout history. Conflicts that have inspired authors and filmmakers to focus their work on the problems, providing them with visibility. To achieve this, I have used different written and cinematographic works in each section to show the way that these themes have influenced the authors and filmmakers to use the culture in an expressive way.