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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es realizar un análisis de la famosa saga de J.K Rowling, Harry Potter, teniendo en cuenta los distintos y múltiples elementos que posee la misma en relación con el mundo clásico. Para ello, se ha dividido el trabajo en diferentes partes. La primera ayudará a contextualizar la obra mediante una breve biografía de la autora que, entre otras cosas, ayudará a entender el peso del mundo clásico en las obras. Posteriormente, se analizarán los diferentes elementos desde una perspectiva cultural en primera instancia y desde otra lingüística después, que darán una visión clara de los numerosos componentes de la antigüedad presentes en este fenómeno mundial que consiguió llamar a la lectura a niños y adultos de cualquier rincón del mundo.
The main goal of this project is to develop an analysis of the well-known saga by J.K Rowling, Harry Potter, taking into account the different and numerous elements that the so-called possesses in relation with the classic world. To this purpose, the project has been divided into some different parts. The first one will help, among other things, to understand the importance of the classic world in the books. Afterwards, the different elements will be analysed from a cultural perspective first, and from a linguistic viewpoint then, giving a clear vision of the different components of the ancient times present in this world-wide phenomenon that could call to the reading to children an adults from every corner of the planet.
The main goal of this project is to develop an analysis of the well-known saga by J.K Rowling, Harry Potter, taking into account the different and numerous elements that the so-called possesses in relation with the classic world. To this purpose, the project has been divided into some different parts. The first one will help, among other things, to understand the importance of the classic world in the books. Afterwards, the different elements will be analysed from a cultural perspective first, and from a linguistic viewpoint then, giving a clear vision of the different components of the ancient times present in this world-wide phenomenon that could call to the reading to children an adults from every corner of the planet.