El olivar, un ecosistema la mar de vivo
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]En este Trabajo Fin de Máster se desarrolla una propuesta de situación de aprendizaje para la
asignatura de Biología, Geología y Ciencias Ambientales de 1o de Bachillerato. El objetivo de esta
propuesta es transmitir a los estudiantes los saberes básicos relacionados con la biodiversidad y
trabajar las competencias en sostenibilidad. Para ello, se hace uso del olivar, un agroecosistema de gran
importancia en la provincia de Jaén.
En el apartado de fundamentación epistemológica, se exponen los principales conceptos relacionados
con la temática y se realiza una revisión bibliográfica sobre la biodiversidad en este cultivo.
Acto seguido, se expone la situación de aprendizaje titulada "El olivar, un agroecosistema la mar de
vivo", la cual se basa principalmente en la metodología del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP). En
ella, se plantean actividades que permiten a los estudiantes conocer la biodiversidad que alberga este
agroecosistema y reflexionar sobre la importancia de su conservación.
[EN]This Master's Thesis develops a proposal for a learning situation for the subject of Biology, Geology and Environmental Sciences of the 1st year of Bachillerato. The objective of this proposal is to transmit to students the basic knowledge related to biodiversity and to work on sustainability competences. For this purpose, the olive grove, an agroecosystem of great importance in the province of Jaén, is used. In the epistemological foundation section, the main concepts related to the subject are presented and a bibliographical review of biodiversity in this crop is carried out. Then, the learning situation entitled "The olive grove, a living agroecosystem" is presented, which is mainly based on the Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology. In it, activities are proposed that allow students to learn about the biodiversity of this agroecosystem and reflect on the importance of its conservation.
[EN]This Master's Thesis develops a proposal for a learning situation for the subject of Biology, Geology and Environmental Sciences of the 1st year of Bachillerato. The objective of this proposal is to transmit to students the basic knowledge related to biodiversity and to work on sustainability competences. For this purpose, the olive grove, an agroecosystem of great importance in the province of Jaén, is used. In the epistemological foundation section, the main concepts related to the subject are presented and a bibliographical review of biodiversity in this crop is carried out. Then, the learning situation entitled "The olive grove, a living agroecosystem" is presented, which is mainly based on the Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology. In it, activities are proposed that allow students to learn about the biodiversity of this agroecosystem and reflect on the importance of its conservation.