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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El presente trabajo de investigación y desarrollo de una Unidad Didáctica (UD) pretende
mostrar una propuesta de enseñanza alternativa e innovadora en un escenario en el que insertar la
Fraseología en el aula de Secundaria, en concreto, el refrán. De este modo, a través de una Unidad
Didáctica justificada en el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP), el trabajo presenta los beneficios,
así como la utilidad de enseñar el hecho fraseológico de manera funcional a través de la reflexión
metalingüística. Además, se pretende mostrar la evidencia de la mejora de la capacidad comunicativa
del alumnado mediante el estudio del refrán de manera significativa y útil, tanto dentro del aula como
fuera. Por lo tanto, este proyecto muestra una Unidad Didáctica completa para la materia de Lengua
Castellana y Literatura en un contexto de 3.o ESO.
[EN] The present project of investigation and later development of an Educational Unit (EU), aims to show an alternative and innovative teaching proposal in a scenario in which to insert Phraseology in the Secondary School classroom, specifically, the proverb. Thus, through an Educational Unit justified in Project Based Learning (PBL), the work presents the benefits, as well as the usefulness of teaching the phraseological fact in a functional way through metalinguistic reflection. Furthermore, it is intended to show evidence of the improvement of students’ communicative ability through the study of the proverb in a meaningful and useful way, both inside and outside the classroom. Therefore, this project shows a complete Educational Unit for the subject Spanish Language and Literature in a context of 3rd ESO.
[EN] The present project of investigation and later development of an Educational Unit (EU), aims to show an alternative and innovative teaching proposal in a scenario in which to insert Phraseology in the Secondary School classroom, specifically, the proverb. Thus, through an Educational Unit justified in Project Based Learning (PBL), the work presents the benefits, as well as the usefulness of teaching the phraseological fact in a functional way through metalinguistic reflection. Furthermore, it is intended to show evidence of the improvement of students’ communicative ability through the study of the proverb in a meaningful and useful way, both inside and outside the classroom. Therefore, this project shows a complete Educational Unit for the subject Spanish Language and Literature in a context of 3rd ESO.