Revision sistematicica: Seguridad materno-fetal en el parto domiciliario.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)Introducción: La seguridad de los partos domiciliarios es un tema de controversia. Puede proporcionar una
experiencia más humanizada, pero lleva un mayor riesgo asociado por no disponer de todos los medios
hospitalarios. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la evidencia disponible sobre la seguridad del parto
Metodología: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura científica de bases de datos como Pubmed, Science
Direct, Cuiden Plus, Scopus y Cinhal. Criterios de inclusión: investigaciones primarias, publicadas entre 2018
y 2023, en español o inglés y como participantes mujeres con embarazo a término.
Resultados: Selección final de 22 estudios tras aplicar los criterios de inclusión. La mayoría coinciden en que
el parto domiciliario es seguro en embarazos de bajo riesgo.
Conclusión: El parto domiciliario puede tener algunos beneficios como una experiencia más natural y
confortable, pero también un mayor riesgo para la salud materno-fetal si se presentan emergencias
obstétricas o neonatales.
(EN)Introduction: The safety of home births is a topic of controversy. It can provide a more humanized experience, but it carries a greater risk associated with not having all the hospital resources available. The objective of this work is to evaluate the available evidence on the safety of home birth. Methodology: A review of the scientific literature was carried out from databases such as Pubmed, Science Direct, Cuiden Plus, Scopus and Cinhal. Inclusion criteria: primary research, published between 2018 and 2023, in Spanish or English and as participants were women with full-term pregnancy. Results: Final selection of 22 studies after applying the inclusion criteria. Most agree that home birth is safe in low-risk pregnancies. Conclusion: Home birth may have some benefits such as a more natural and comfortable experience, but also a greater risk for maternal-fetal health if obstetric or neonatal emergencies occur.
(EN)Introduction: The safety of home births is a topic of controversy. It can provide a more humanized experience, but it carries a greater risk associated with not having all the hospital resources available. The objective of this work is to evaluate the available evidence on the safety of home birth. Methodology: A review of the scientific literature was carried out from databases such as Pubmed, Science Direct, Cuiden Plus, Scopus and Cinhal. Inclusion criteria: primary research, published between 2018 and 2023, in Spanish or English and as participants were women with full-term pregnancy. Results: Final selection of 22 studies after applying the inclusion criteria. Most agree that home birth is safe in low-risk pregnancies. Conclusion: Home birth may have some benefits such as a more natural and comfortable experience, but also a greater risk for maternal-fetal health if obstetric or neonatal emergencies occur.