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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo la utilización de la música con fines terapéuticos en adolescentes Síndrome de Down de un centro de Educación Especial con edades comprendidas entre los 16 y los 20 años. En concreto, se persigue la disminución del grado de disfemia o tartamudez, trastorno comunicativo frecuente en estos casos, a través de una intervención musical centrada en una relajación guiada. Seguidamente se trabajará la respiración y para concluir, el ritmo a través de la prosodia o el canto. El entorno y el ámbito psicológico serán tenidos en cuenta a la hora de ejecutar esta intervención. Las actividades se realizan en diferentes contextos según van avanzando las sesiones. Después de realizar esta intervención, observamos que, a través de la música (bien sea el canto o la prosodia), se obtuvo mejoría en este trastorno del lenguaje. Además, se han observado situaciones particulares a la hora de trabajar este trastorno.
The present work aims at the use of music for therapeutic purposes in Down Syndrome adolescents of a special education center with ages between 16 and 20 years. In particular, the aim is to reduce the degree of dysphemism or stuttering, a frequent communicative disorder in these cases, through a musical intervention focused on guided relaxation. Then the breathing will be worked and to conclude, the rhythm through prosody or singing. The environment and the psychological environment will be taken into account when executing this intervention. Activities are carried out in different contexts as the sessions progress. After performing this intervention, we observed that, through music (singing or prosody), there was improvement in this language disorder. In addition, particular situations have been observed when working with this disorder.
The present work aims at the use of music for therapeutic purposes in Down Syndrome adolescents of a special education center with ages between 16 and 20 years. In particular, the aim is to reduce the degree of dysphemism or stuttering, a frequent communicative disorder in these cases, through a musical intervention focused on guided relaxation. Then the breathing will be worked and to conclude, the rhythm through prosody or singing. The environment and the psychological environment will be taken into account when executing this intervention. Activities are carried out in different contexts as the sessions progress. After performing this intervention, we observed that, through music (singing or prosody), there was improvement in this language disorder. In addition, particular situations have been observed when working with this disorder.
Palabras clave
Educación Especial, Educación Musical