Le blocage à la communication orale lors de la prise de parole en cours de FLE
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]En el presente trabajo de fin de Máster, se analizará la importancia de la expresión
oral en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, así como el papel que ha tenido en cada
una de las metodologías de aprendizaje que se han aplicado a lo largo de la historia.
Además, apoyándonos en diferentes estudios que demuestran la existencia de un
problema que impide el desarrollo completo de esta competencia, se determinarán las
causas por las que los alumnos no se sienten capaces de expresarse oralmente en una
lengua extranjera, así como las medidas que se pueden tomar para evitar este bloqueo.
Por otro lado, se elaborará una unidad didáctica dirigida al tercer curso de Educación
Secundaria Obligatoria, que se centrará en la investigación realizada previamente sobre
el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa, de manera que las actividades de
expresión oral ocuparán un lugar importante en cada sesión. Para la realización de esta
unidad didáctica se han tenido en cuenta el contenido, los objetivos, la metodología y
los criterios de evaluación establecidos en el Real Decreto 1105/2014 del 26 diciembre.
Palabras clave
Expresión oral, lenguas extranjeras, Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, competencia
comunicativa, bloqueo, sociolingüística, trac.
[EN]n the present Master's thesis, the importance of the expression oral in the teaching of foreign languages, as well as the role it has had in each one of the learning methodologies that have been applied throughout history. In addition, relying on different studies that demonstrate the existence of a problem that prevents the full development of this competence, the reasons why students do not feel able to express themselves orally in a foreign language, as well as the measures that can be taken to avoid this blockade. On the other hand, a didactic unit will be prepared for the third year of Education Compulsory Secondary, which will focus on previously conducted research on the development of communicative competence, so that the activities of oral expression will occupy an important place in each session. For the realization of this didactic unit have taken into account the content, objectives, methodology and the evaluation criteria established in Royal Decree 1105/2014 of December 26. Keywords Oral expression, foreign languages, Compulsory Secondary Education, competence communicative, blocking, sociolinguistics, trac.
[EN]n the present Master's thesis, the importance of the expression oral in the teaching of foreign languages, as well as the role it has had in each one of the learning methodologies that have been applied throughout history. In addition, relying on different studies that demonstrate the existence of a problem that prevents the full development of this competence, the reasons why students do not feel able to express themselves orally in a foreign language, as well as the measures that can be taken to avoid this blockade. On the other hand, a didactic unit will be prepared for the third year of Education Compulsory Secondary, which will focus on previously conducted research on the development of communicative competence, so that the activities of oral expression will occupy an important place in each session. For the realization of this didactic unit have taken into account the content, objectives, methodology and the evaluation criteria established in Royal Decree 1105/2014 of December 26. Keywords Oral expression, foreign languages, Compulsory Secondary Education, competence communicative, blocking, sociolinguistics, trac.
Palabras clave