Los videojuegos: un recurso educativo por explotar.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En la actualidad, gracias a la variedad de técnicas y estrategias basadas en el aprovechamiento de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación (las TICs) que existen, la renovación de las enseñanzas se ha convertido en una necesidad indiscutible, más concretamente, empleando los videojuegos. Descubrir su uso como una herramienta didáctica o analizar sus ventajas, ya es una realidad en la búsqueda de nuevas metodologías que potencien o complementen el aprendizaje.
A partir de esta premisa, durante este TFG lo que se pretende llevar a cabo será la confirmación de la viabilidad de los videojuegos como herramienta didáctica en educación infantil o que su utilización como material educativo aún está lejos de ser empleado en las aulas. Se llevará a cabo una investigación donde se compararán diversos trabajos científicos, extrayendo sus resultados a objeto de intentar aportar un punto de vista sobre la viabilidad de estos recursos digitales.
Currently, thanks to the variety of techniques and strategies based on the use of the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) that exist, the renewal of teaching has become an indisputable need, more specifically, using the video games Discovering its use as a didactic tool or analyzing its advantages is already a reality in the search for new methodologies that enhance or complement learning. Based on this premise, during this TFG, what is intended to be carried out will be the confirmation of the viability of video games as a didactic tool in early childhood education or that their use as educational material is still far from being used in classrooms. An investigation will be carried out where various scientific works will be compared, extracting their results in order to try to provide a point of view on the viability of these digital resources.
Currently, thanks to the variety of techniques and strategies based on the use of the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) that exist, the renewal of teaching has become an indisputable need, more specifically, using the video games Discovering its use as a didactic tool or analyzing its advantages is already a reality in the search for new methodologies that enhance or complement learning. Based on this premise, during this TFG, what is intended to be carried out will be the confirmation of the viability of video games as a didactic tool in early childhood education or that their use as educational material is still far from being used in classrooms. An investigation will be carried out where various scientific works will be compared, extracting their results in order to try to provide a point of view on the viability of these digital resources.
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