Les atouts des séquences textuelles en cours de FLE.
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[ES]Nuestro trabajo se centra en la creación del discurso. Para ello, hemos definido el análisis del discurso, así como los elementos que intervienen en dicha disciplina. Hemos procedido a definir el discurso y a estudiar su puesta por escrito. El texto es catalogado en tipos, pero este alberga en su estructura transfrástica una serie de secuencias textuales, que manifiestan su carácter heteróclito. Trataremos en profundidad la creación del texto narrativo y, seguidamente, cómo una secuencia dialogal puede engastarse. Posteriormente, distinguiremos los tiempos verbales deícticos y anafóricos y los valores aspectuales de los tiempos de la narración. Hemos realizado un recorrido de las metodologías de la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera. Del mismo modo, hemos realizado un análisis del MCER y de su nueva versión. Finalmente, hemos creado una unidad didáctica que recubre todos los aspectos teóricos desarrollados para que los discentes puedan llegar a construir un texto oral o escrito.
[EN]Our work focuses on the discourse creation. In order to achieve this purpose, we have defined the discourse analysis, as well as the fundamental elements that are involved in the discipline. We have proceeded to define it and study its writing. The text is catalogued in types. However, it contains a series of textual sequences which reveal its heteroclite nature. We will discuss in depth the creation of the narrative text. We will mention how a dialogue sequence can be set. Later, we will distinguish the deictic and anaphoric verb tenses and the aspectual values of the narrative tenses. We have made a journey of the methodologies of teaching a foreign language. Similarly, we have carried out an analysis of the CEFR and its new version. Finally, we have created a didactic unit that covers all the theoretical aspects developed so that students can build an oral or written text.
[EN]Our work focuses on the discourse creation. In order to achieve this purpose, we have defined the discourse analysis, as well as the fundamental elements that are involved in the discipline. We have proceeded to define it and study its writing. The text is catalogued in types. However, it contains a series of textual sequences which reveal its heteroclite nature. We will discuss in depth the creation of the narrative text. We will mention how a dialogue sequence can be set. Later, we will distinguish the deictic and anaphoric verb tenses and the aspectual values of the narrative tenses. We have made a journey of the methodologies of teaching a foreign language. Similarly, we have carried out an analysis of the CEFR and its new version. Finally, we have created a didactic unit that covers all the theoretical aspects developed so that students can build an oral or written text.
Palabras clave
Lengua extranjera (FRANCÉS)