Enseñanza-aprendizaje de la reproducción humana a través de situaciones reales de interés para el alumnado
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)En este Trabajo de Fin de Máster se ha programado la Situación de Aprendizaje “EN BUSCA DEL BEBÉ”
para 3o de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria de la asignatura de Biología y Geología. Con esta propuesta
se pretende plasmar la relevancia del aprendizaje significativo de las competencias y saberes básicos
relacionados con la función reproductiva y sexual durante la adolescencia. Ambas temáticas son
consideradas de interés por el alumnado a lo largo de esta etapa educativa, por lo que con esta propuesta
se pretende satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes y propiciar una salud reproductiva y sexual que
no implique riesgos durante el desarrollo del adolescente. Mediante la fundamentación epistemológica
quedan expuestos los contenidos relevantes actualizados para su tratamiento en el aula. La Situación de
Aprendizaje se basa en el aprendizaje activo para la construcción de los conocimientos sobre la
reproducción y la salud sexual, al mismo tiempo que se fomenta el trabajo en equipo.
(EN)In this Master's Thesis, the Learning Situation "IN SEARCH OF THE BABY" has been programmed for the 3rd year of Compulsory Secondary Education in the subject of Biology and Geology. The aim of this proposal is to reflect the relevance of meaningful learning of basic knowledge and skills related to reproductive and sexual function during adolescence. Both topics are considered to be of interest to students throughout this educational stage, so this proposal aims to meet the needs of students and promote reproductive and sexual health that does not involve risks during adolescent development. The epistemological foundation sets out the relevant updated content for its treatment in the classroom. The Learning Situation is based on active learning for the construction of knowledge about reproduction and sexual health, while at the same time encouraging teamwork.
(EN)In this Master's Thesis, the Learning Situation "IN SEARCH OF THE BABY" has been programmed for the 3rd year of Compulsory Secondary Education in the subject of Biology and Geology. The aim of this proposal is to reflect the relevance of meaningful learning of basic knowledge and skills related to reproductive and sexual function during adolescence. Both topics are considered to be of interest to students throughout this educational stage, so this proposal aims to meet the needs of students and promote reproductive and sexual health that does not involve risks during adolescent development. The epistemological foundation sets out the relevant updated content for its treatment in the classroom. The Learning Situation is based on active learning for the construction of knowledge about reproduction and sexual health, while at the same time encouraging teamwork.