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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El siguiente trabajo realiza un examen detallado del sistema de responsabilidad de
productos defectuosos contenido actualmente en el Libro III del Texto Refundido de la
Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios. Se analizarán los
distintos elementos que conforman su regulación, así como las críticas a las que se han
visto sometidos y los cambios que se hayan producido en dichos elementos con las
modificaciones legislativas. Se resaltarán las opiniones doctrinales más relevantes, así
como algunos casos de jurisprudencia que intentan dar respuesta a las dudas que la
propia normativa plantea en la práctica.
[EN] The following essay provides a detailed exam about the liability system for defective product currently contained in the 3rd book of the General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users` Consolidated Text. The different elements that make up its regulation will be analyzed and criticism of those who have undergone the same, as well as the changes that have occurred in those elements with the legislative changes. The most important doctrinal views will be highlighted, besides some cases of jurisprudence that attempts to answer questions that the legislation itself poses in practice.
[EN] The following essay provides a detailed exam about the liability system for defective product currently contained in the 3rd book of the General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users` Consolidated Text. The different elements that make up its regulation will be analyzed and criticism of those who have undergone the same, as well as the changes that have occurred in those elements with the legislative changes. The most important doctrinal views will be highlighted, besides some cases of jurisprudence that attempts to answer questions that the legislation itself poses in practice.