Técnicas geomáticas aplicadas a la monitorización de fenómenos de inestabilidad de laderas
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] En este TFG se ha determinado la viabilidad del empleo de técnicas geomáticas, principalmente de escáner láser terrestre (terrestrial laser scanner –TLS-) y plataformas aéreas no tripuladas (unmanned aerial vehicles, UAV) combinadas con técnicas de fotogrametría para estimar la deformación horizontal y vertical en terrenos causada por procesos de inestabilidad de ladera.
Con este fin, se ha planteado una campaña de campo que ha cubierto todos los aspectos necesarios para orientar un vuelo fotogramétrico, y de una campaña de escáner láser y obtener un MDE de detalle.
Esta campaña se ha realizado en una zona situada en el entorno de la autovía Bailén-Motril (km 59, salida de Cambil), en la que se han identificado importantes movimientos de ladera desde la construcción de la citada autovía y cuya dinámica se ha acentuado por las condiciones climatológicas reinantes desde el año 2013, con numerosos periodos de fuertes lluvias prolongadas en el tiempo.
Los datos recabados se han comparado con otros de campañas precia, tanto de TLS como de fotogrametría (con UAV), de forma que se ha podido establecer una técnica viable para la monitorización de la deformación en taludes de carretera.
[EN] In this Bachelor Thesis the viability of geomatic techniques has been set out. These techniques has mainly been those of terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and aerial photogrammetry by means of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). These techniques have allowed the estimation of both horizontal and vertical terrain deformation because of slope instability processes. A field campaign has been carried out in the vicinity of the Bailen-Motril motorway (km 59, Cambil exit), where significant landslides have been identified since the road was built. The dynamic of these landslides has been triggered because the weather conditions present since last year 2103, where frequent heavy rains has been registered. Several detailed digital terrain models (DTM) have been generated with TLS and UAV and they have been copared with a previous field campaign carried out with both TLS and UAV. This comparison has allowed to establish these geomatics techniques as a feasible approach for talus road deformation monitoring.
[EN] In this Bachelor Thesis the viability of geomatic techniques has been set out. These techniques has mainly been those of terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and aerial photogrammetry by means of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). These techniques have allowed the estimation of both horizontal and vertical terrain deformation because of slope instability processes. A field campaign has been carried out in the vicinity of the Bailen-Motril motorway (km 59, Cambil exit), where significant landslides have been identified since the road was built. The dynamic of these landslides has been triggered because the weather conditions present since last year 2103, where frequent heavy rains has been registered. Several detailed digital terrain models (DTM) have been generated with TLS and UAV and they have been copared with a previous field campaign carried out with both TLS and UAV. This comparison has allowed to establish these geomatics techniques as a feasible approach for talus road deformation monitoring.