Proyecto de instalación fotovoltaica con conexión a red y análisis de posibles configuraciones para autoconsumo de supermercado
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este Trabajo de Fin de Máster se compone de una introducción, una memoria descriptiva y anexos.
En la introducción se proporciona información básica y también se expone el marco regulatorio actual al que aplica la instalación que se proyecta.
En la memoria descriptiva se define la instalación, tanto la instalación eléctrica como la instalación de las marquesinas en el aparcamiento.
En los diferentes anexos se tienen los documentos que complementan a la memoria según norma UNE 157000, como planos, presupuesto, pliego de condiciones, estudio básico de seguridad y salud y memoria de cálculo, pero además, se incluyen anexos de justificación de las decisiones tomadas mediante simulaciones en diferentes software.
El anexo de aplicación en Python tiene especial interés ya que explica el desarrollo de una simple aplicación en lenguaje Python que permite ver como evoluciona el desempeño de una instalación de autoconsumo a medida que se va añadiendo potencia pico. La utilidad de esta aplicación es que permite ver como satura la cuota de autosuficiencia en función del aumento de potencia.
This Master’s Thesis consists of an introduction, a descriptive report and annexes. The introduction provides basic information and also describes the current regulatory framework to which the planned installation applies. The descriptive report defines the installation, both the electrical installation and the installation of the canopies in the parking. In the different annexes there are the documents that complement the descriptive report according to the UNE 157000 standard, such as plans, budget, articles and conditions, basic health and safety study and calculation report, but also include annexes to justify the decisions made through simulations in different software. The annexe of Pyhton app is of special interest since it explains the development of a simple application in Python language that allows us to see how the performance of a self- consumption installation evolves as peak power is added. The usefulness of this application is that it allows you to see how the self sufficiency quota saturate based on the increase in power.
This Master’s Thesis consists of an introduction, a descriptive report and annexes. The introduction provides basic information and also describes the current regulatory framework to which the planned installation applies. The descriptive report defines the installation, both the electrical installation and the installation of the canopies in the parking. In the different annexes there are the documents that complement the descriptive report according to the UNE 157000 standard, such as plans, budget, articles and conditions, basic health and safety study and calculation report, but also include annexes to justify the decisions made through simulations in different software. The annexe of Pyhton app is of special interest since it explains the development of a simple application in Python language that allows us to see how the performance of a self- consumption installation evolves as peak power is added. The usefulness of this application is that it allows you to see how the self sufficiency quota saturate based on the increase in power.