Nanomateriales de carbono: métodos de preparación, propiedades y aplicaciones biomédicas
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se presenta una revisión bibliográfica sobre los métodos de preparación, propiedades y aplicaciones biomédicas de los nanomateriales de carbono: grafeno, nanotubos de carbono y fullerenos. Dichos materiales presentan excelentes propiedades eléctricas, ópticas, térmicas y mecánicas. En las últimas décadas han supuesto una gran revolución debido a sus importantes aplicaciones en el área de la medicina, la alimentación y la tecnología, lo que ha llevado consigo importantes avances en cuanto a sus métodos de preparación. Sus propiedades físicas y químicas, como su tamaño nanométrico, les confieren gran importancia en biomedicina ya que son capaces de atravesar membranas y compartimentos celulares. Además, al funcionalizar su superficie se consigue mejorar su biocompatibilidad. Por ello, en la actualidad, presentan gran interés por sus aplicaciones biomédicas derivadas de su empleo como biosensores, componentes de implantes óseos, transportadores de fármacos, agentes antimicrobianos…, resultando especialmente útiles en el tratamiento de enfermedades como el cáncer o enfermedades degenerativas, ya que se ha observado su eficacia frente a ellas sin generar gran cantidad de efectos secundarios.
[EN] This Final Degree Project presents a bibliographic review about the preparation methods, properties and biomedical applications of carbon nanomaterials: graphene, carbon nanotubes and fullerenes. These materials have excellent electrical, optical, thermal and mechanical properties. In the last decades they have been a great revolution due to their important applications in the areas of medicine, food and technology, which has led to important advances in their preparation methods. Their physical and chemical properties, such as their nanometric size, give them great importance in biomedicine since they are capable of crossing cell membranes and compartments. Furthermore, by functionalizing its surface, its biocompatibility is improved. For this reason, at present, they are of great interest for their biomedical applications derived from their use as biosensors, components of bone implants, drug transporters, antimicrobial agents..., being especially useful in the treatment of diseases such as cancer or degenerative diseases, since that its effectiveness against them has been observed without generating a large number of side effects.
[EN] This Final Degree Project presents a bibliographic review about the preparation methods, properties and biomedical applications of carbon nanomaterials: graphene, carbon nanotubes and fullerenes. These materials have excellent electrical, optical, thermal and mechanical properties. In the last decades they have been a great revolution due to their important applications in the areas of medicine, food and technology, which has led to important advances in their preparation methods. Their physical and chemical properties, such as their nanometric size, give them great importance in biomedicine since they are capable of crossing cell membranes and compartments. Furthermore, by functionalizing its surface, its biocompatibility is improved. For this reason, at present, they are of great interest for their biomedical applications derived from their use as biosensors, components of bone implants, drug transporters, antimicrobial agents..., being especially useful in the treatment of diseases such as cancer or degenerative diseases, since that its effectiveness against them has been observed without generating a large number of side effects.