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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] En la actualidad, España se encuentra inmersa en un proceso de cambio destinado a suplir los efectos ocasionados por el uso intensivo de recursos naturales, los cuales ocasionan graves problemas
medioambientales y acelera el cambio climático.
Las energías renovables y el avance en las diferentes tecnologías van a permitir en pocos años que los edificios y las ciudades sean autosuficientes energéticamente marcando el fin de la dependencia de los combustibles fósiles, dando paso a una economía y una industria “verde” asociada al uso de energías renovables, cada vez más eficientes, descentralizadas y limpias, con emisiones cero.
Debido a lo mencionado con anterioridad, surge este Trabajo Fin de Máster, con el fin de realizar y evidenciar todos los puntos positivos que tiene una instalación solar fotovoltaica para una industria.
En él, se estudiaran diferentes casos de montaje y su rentabilidad económica.
El objetivo final de este trabajo es concienciar a la población y a las grandes industrias, mostrándoles el camino a seguir para que nuestra huella en la Tierra pase lo más desapercibida posible, declinando el uso de las energías fósiles en detrimento del uso de las energías renovables.
[EN] Nowadays, Spain is immersed in a process of change destined to make up for the effects caused by the intensive use of natural resources, which bring about severe environmental problems and accelerates climate change. Renewable energy and the advance in new technologies will allow in a few years, for buildings and cities, to be energetically autonomous, stating the end of the fossil fuel era, in favour of a green economy and industry, which is associated to using renewable energy, increasingly more efficient, decentralized and clean, with zero emissions. Due to these facts, arise this Master’s thesis, with the intention of fulfilling and proving all these perks of installing a solar photovoltaic system for industries. Within, different cases of setup and its economic benefits will be studied. The final objective of this thesis is to raise awareness among the population and big corporations, howing them the path to make our footprint on this earth as respectful as possible, declining the use of fossil fuels after the use of renewable energies.
[EN] Nowadays, Spain is immersed in a process of change destined to make up for the effects caused by the intensive use of natural resources, which bring about severe environmental problems and accelerates climate change. Renewable energy and the advance in new technologies will allow in a few years, for buildings and cities, to be energetically autonomous, stating the end of the fossil fuel era, in favour of a green economy and industry, which is associated to using renewable energy, increasingly more efficient, decentralized and clean, with zero emissions. Due to these facts, arise this Master’s thesis, with the intention of fulfilling and proving all these perks of installing a solar photovoltaic system for industries. Within, different cases of setup and its economic benefits will be studied. The final objective of this thesis is to raise awareness among the population and big corporations, howing them the path to make our footprint on this earth as respectful as possible, declining the use of fossil fuels after the use of renewable energies.