Desarrollo de método de dimensionado de un sistema de autoconsumo fotovoltaico
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El objeto del trabajo ea el desarrollo de herramientas docentes para 111 uso en el aprendizaje del
dimensionado de los diferentes elementos que constituyen un sistema de autoconsumo fotovoltaico
(SAF). Para conseguir el objeto del trabajo se persiguen objetivos especfficos tales como la
explicación y desanollo de los elementos que componen UD SFA; exposición del método más extendido
de dimensionado de UD SAF (Basado en condiciones económicas); uso de herramientas online de
dimensionado del GFV y bues de datos de irradiancia e irradiación; desarrollo del software Design
SAF Solar v1.0 para el dimensionado del GFV basado en criterios económicos, mediante la graficaci6n
de las
iencia y VAN, además el desarrollo de pfldoras formativas para un aprendizaje de UD SAF.
The object of the work is the development of teaching 1oola for use in leaming the sizing of the different elements that constitutc a photovoltaic self-consumption system (SAF), To achieve the objective of the work, specüic objectives are pursued such as the explanation and development ofthe elements that make upan OSS; exposition ofthe most widespread method of sizing an SAF (Based on economic conditiom); use of online GFV sizing tools and irradiance and databascs; development of the Design SAF Solar vi .O software for sizins the GFV baaed on economic criteria, tbrough the graphing of self-comumption, self•sufficiency and NPV curves, as wcll as the development oftraining pills lror asynchronous 1caming of specitic concepta of a SAF.
The object of the work is the development of teaching 1oola for use in leaming the sizing of the different elements that constitutc a photovoltaic self-consumption system (SAF), To achieve the objective of the work, specüic objectives are pursued such as the explanation and development ofthe elements that make upan OSS; exposition ofthe most widespread method of sizing an SAF (Based on economic conditiom); use of online GFV sizing tools and irradiance and databascs; development of the Design SAF Solar vi .O software for sizins the GFV baaed on economic criteria, tbrough the graphing of self-comumption, self•sufficiency and NPV curves, as wcll as the development oftraining pills lror asynchronous 1caming of specitic concepta of a SAF.